Let's discuss where to go next with the "Top TV Shows" issue...

Rather than inserting discussion into the No time limit; Stop at 10: Favorite TV shows thread, let’s decide what to do next with the data collecting there.

At the moment there are 57 posts there and all but a very few are one-post-per-person things. And almost all have been 10 nominee things.

Arithmetic says that mean somewhat less than 570 shows have been mentioned. Actually it’s considerably fewer than that because there are many multiple mentions of the same shows.


  1. do we leave that thread as an indication of how varied the SDMB feels about All Time TV Shows?

  2. do we want to narrow the issue down further?

  3. If so, what’s the smart way to do that?

I have some ideas, but I’d like some guidance from you as to what would make the best sense.

1, 2

Keep the thread going for a while. Then make a top ten of all the posts. IOW, see how many shows get mentioned thru the thread and make a top ten of just those.

I notice that as soon as certain shows get their ice broken, the next few posts tend to mention them as well. FOr instance, I think I was the first to list Jeopardy. Then a lot of others did too. Same with several others I saw that someone first posted.

There will never be a consensus on what is the BEST show. Too many variables, including genre and era. But a top ten faves is doable.

Breaking Bad is not the best Drama ever. BSG is not the best Sci-Fi, Simpsons or Arrested Development are not the best comedies, etc… :wink:

Too much variation of poster’s tastes, style, appreciation, perceived intellectualism, etc…

But, if someone wants to say, “I LOVED BB!” with or without reasons, then who am I to disagree?

Thanks, AH. We’re on the same page.

One thing that’s easy to forget is that ever since TV came into my life (1950’s) I have always had a dozen or so shows per year that I try hard not to miss. Now that VCR/DVR/etc. makes that part easy, I still have 10 or so per week that are Favorites, and another few that I try to watch if there’s nothing better on.

Simple math says that’s close to 600 shows (assuming there are no multi-season ones in the batch) but which is probably closer to 300 if I toss out the dupes. Trimming that down to 100 might be doable, but a Top Ten is apt to change by next season.

Looking over the thread and the shows already mentioned I’d be guessing that at least half of them are things I never saw Episode 1 of. And there are others I haven’t missed more than a few of. Limiting my viewing to the Best Shows would be boring. So Favorites is as close to what I’d expect most people go with as Best. I’m prepared to be wrong on that score.

Is any of that worth discussing/debating?

Just to have some specifics to consider, I’m using this post as a “work file” which is current through Post #59. To avoid miscounting or double-counting I have used a Cut/Paste approach into alphabetical order of all the shows. This subset of that list (which I will continue to maintain) is just the shows that have gotten at least 3 mentions.

Help me decide how to reduce the number for serious consideration, please.


All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family All in the Family
Arrested Development Arrested Development Arrested Development Arrested Development Arrested Development Arrested Development Arrested Development Arrested Development

Babylon 5 Babylon 5 Babylon 5 Babylon 5 Babylon 5 Babylon 5
Band of Brothers Band of Brothers Band of Brothers
Barney Miller Barney Miller Barney Miller Barney Miller Barney Miller Barney Miller Barney Miller
Battlestar Galactica (OS) Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica (reboot) Battlestar Galactica(reboot)

Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory
Blackadder Blackadder Blackadder Blackadder
The Bob Newhart Show The Bob Newhart Show Bob Newhart Show The Bob Newhart Show The Bob Newhart Show
Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy The Vampire Slayer Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy/Angel Buffy The Vampire Slayer Buffy Buffy Buffy Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy

The Carol Burnett Show Carol Burnett Show Carol Burnett The Carol Burnett Show
Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers Cheers
Curb Your Enthusiasm Curb Your Enthusiasm Curb Your Enthusiasm

The Daily Show The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Daily Show with Jon Stewart The Daily Show The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Daily Show The Daily Show
Deadwood Deadwood Deadwood Deadwood Deadwood
The Dick Van Dyke Show The Dick Van Dyke Show Dick Van Dyke Show The Dick van Dyke Show The Dick Van Dyke Show Dick Van Dyke Show The Dick Van Dyke Show
Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who


Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly
Friday Night Lights Friday Night Lights Friday Night Lights Friday Night Lights
Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama

Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Game of Thrones
Get Smart Get Smart Get Smart
The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Golden Girls

Hill Street Blues Hill Street Blues Hill Street Hill Street Blues
House House House HOUSE!

Jeopardy! Jeopardy Jeopardy Jeopardy Jeopardy! Jeopardy!
Justified Justified Justified

King of the Hill King of the Hill King of the Hill

The Larry Sanders Show The Larry Sanders Show The Larry Sanders Show
Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order (the original) Law & Order
Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost

Mad Men Mad Men Mad Men Mad Men
Mary Tyler Moore Show Mary Tyler Moore Show Mary Tyler Moore Show The Mary Tyler Moore Show
Monty Python’s Flying Circus Monty Python’s Flying Circus Monty Python’s Flying Circus Monty Python’s Flying Circus
Moonlighting Moonlighting Moonlighting
Mythbusters Mythbusters Mythbusters Mythbusters

Newsradio Newsradio NewsRadio
Northern Exposure Northern Exposure Northern Exposure Northern Exposure Northern Exposure Northern Exposure Northern Exposure
The Office (UK) The Office
The Office (U.S)

Pushing Daisies Pushing Daisies Pushing Daisies

The Rockford Files Rockford Files The Rockford Files The Rockford Files
Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne

Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld
Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons
Six Feet Under Six Feet Under Six Feet Under Six Feet Under Six Feet Under
Soap Soap Soap
The Sopranos The Sopranos The Sopranos Sopranos Sopranos The Sopranos The Sopranos The Sopranos The Sopranos Sopranos The Sopranos
Sports Night Sports Night Sports Night
Star Trek: TNG Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek TNG Star Trek: TNG
Star Trek (The Original) Star Trek (TOS) Star Trek Star Trek TOS Star Trek: TOS Star Trek (TOS) Star Trek Star Trek TOS Star Trek: The original series

Taxi Taxi Taxi Taxi Taxi
Twilight Zone Twilight Zone The Twilight Zone Twilight Zone

Walking Dead THe Walking Dead The Walking Dead
The West Wing West Wing The West Wing The West Wing West Wing The West Wing The West Wing
The Wire The Wire The Wire The Wire The Wire The Wire The Wire The Wire The Wire The Wire The Wire
WKRP in Cincinnati WKRP in Cincinnatti WKRP in Cincinnati WKRP in Cincinnati

The X-Files The X-Files X Files X Files X-files The X-Files X-Files The X-Files X-Files X-Files The X-Files

For me it’s simple. If I love a show, that’s pretty much a guarantee you guys are going to hate it. :slight_smile:

Love it! Don’t feel rained on. :slight_smile:

I would accept that as an axiom. :dubious:

a time line would need to go back into the 50s or 60s for old farts.

in looking at making an entry in the pre-poll thread using those submitted by others i could complete a list of 10.

then thinking about what wasn’t yet mentioned i thought of all the nonfiction shows i’ve watched like history and science. mostly those entries would be PBS in the USA, though commercial networks did run some shows decades ago. if i would want to list shows that i’ve enjoyed and got more benefit from then it would have to include these. i’ve not made a list but i’m certain i could find 10 shows of this type.

Definitely go for it, johnpost! At the very least it might bump one that has been mentioned but not yet gotten that third mention to pop into view.

Depending on how we proceed to a next phase in this venture, you may have the opportunity to reject your entire “first pass” and go with some you see that you had just forgotten before. That’s one plus to the big list.

I’d bet there are plenty shows already mentioned where folks are saying to themselves. “That might be worth a look.”

Here’s a breakdown (hoping the counts are right) of the shows with at least three mentions. I listed two that individually have fewer mentions, but when combined with the other show they’re associated with they get to 3.

Lumped into groups of ten.



Firefly 14
Breaking Bad 12
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 11
The Sopranos 11
The Wire 11
The X-Files 11
Doctor Who 10
Seinfeld 9
The Simpsons 9
Star Trek (The Original) 9

Arrested Development 8
Cheers 8
Barney Miller 7
The Daily Show 7
The Dick Van Dyke Show 7
Northern Exposure 7
The West Wing 7
Babylon 5 6
Friends 6

Futurama 6
Jeopardy! 6
The Bob Newhart Show 5
Deadwood 5
Law & Order 5
Lost 5
Six Feet Under 5
Taxi 5
All in the Family 4
Big Bang Theory 4

Blackadder 4
The Carol Burnett Show 4
ER 4
Friday Night Lights 4
The Golden Girls 4
Hill Street Blues 4
House 4
Mad Men 4
Mary Tyler Moore Show 4
Monty Python’s Flying Circus 4

Mythbusters 4
The Rockford Files 4
Star Trek: TNG 4
Twilight Zone 4
WKRP in Cincinnati 4
Band of Brothers 3
Curb Your Enthusiasm 3
Game of Thrones 3
Get Smart 3
Justified 3

King of the Hill 3
The Larry Sanders Show 3
Moonlighting 3
Newsradio 3
Pushing Daisies 3
Roseanne 3
Soap 3
Sports Night 3
Walking Dead 3
Battlestar Galactica (OS) 2

Battlestar Galactica (reboot) 2
The Office (UK) 2
The Office (U.S) 1


i propose that NOVA (PBS) and Horizon (BBC) be considered one show for the purpose of this poll.

NOVA was inspired by Horizon. these are similar science shows in two different countries.

i believe they have done joint productions

they have repackaged some of each others episodes for their own country.

Maybe I’m misreading things, but I detect a hint of a desire to let this whole idea drop – at least for another few years…

bump :slight_smile: