:eek: :eek: :eek:
Um yeah, yeah…what?!
I think I need to find neighbors like that!
Did you see that?!
At least the artwork is better than anything ole Jack ever put out. And the story has a real plot!
I could imagine a sequel…
“Oh, hello again, Mrs. Murray” says Bob Thompson.
“Hello, Mr. Thompson.” answered Mrs. Murray. “I thought I’d drop in and say ‘hello’ and a belated Solstice greetings!”
“Why thank you!” answered Bob Thompson. “By the way, an old friend of ours, from out of town is visiting.” Bob leads Mrs. Murray into the living room. “This is Mr. Polycarp, you may want to talk to him.”
That’s it! I’m e-mailing this link to those dratted Wiccan friends who are taking off to Maine (see other thread)! I can hear them laughing already!