Lost 1.21 "The Greater Good"

Wet Shannon with a gun.

The Sawyer babysitter gag is a hoot.

And Hurley singing…

“That’s all I got, dude…”

Him reading to the baby from a car magazine was great. :smiley:

The Lost Minute:

[li]Locke’s alone, looking into a fire. Sayid approaches.[/li][li]Sayid: “How’s your head?”[/li][li]Locke: “Another war wound. I know what it costs you. To do what you did. Thank you.”[/li][li]Sayid: “I did it because I sense you might be our best hope of surviving here. I don’t forgive what you did. I certainly don’t trust you.”[/li][li]Sayid: “And now, you’re going to take me to the hatch.”[/li][li]Locke (weaseling): “Hatch? I already told you --”[/li][li]Sayid (interrupts): “John - no more lies.”[/li][/ul]

Promos for next week’s episode:
[li]They set sail tomorrow[/li][li]Kate wants to go on the raft[/li][li]Jake, Locke and Sayid are marveling at the hatch[/li][li]Walt tells Locke (very strongly) that they shouldn’t open it[/li][li]Michael (I think) is next to the raft, hunches over like he’s about to be sick, or something[/li][/ul]

Above average episode. Not much on plot development (which is worrying, as there’s very few episodes left), but still well written. I loved Sawyer’s Bedtime Stories - those glasses were just icing on the cake. Still loving Hurely. Next week’s episode should be very interesting, and looks like it may answer a lot of questions.

I got a phone call and missed everything after Locke being shot at.

Anyone? Please?

I have the opposit problem - didn’t get home on time and missed the 1st 5 min (I started watching when Jack said to Kate “what are you doing here?”)

Did I miss anything important?


I can’t provide much detail about what happened after Locke got shot at (other than what I posted above), but: Shannon’s a bad shot, but still hates Locke, and the CIA gives Sayid a ticket to California, where Nadia is. Sayid, disturbed that his friend will be cremated, claims the body to give it a proper burial. This forces the CIA to move his flight to tomorrow - to the flight that crashes.

N9IWP, I don’t recall that you missed anything except flashbacks. And Jack blundering around in the jungle.

Best Moment - Dialogue Division: Hurley singing “I Feel Good”.

Best Moment - Visual Division: Charlie chasing Sawyer with Turnip Head.

Best Moment - Overall: Sawyer reading “Road and Track” (?) to Turnip Head while sporting his custom eye wear.
p.s. Note to Charlie: If you hope to ever get in Claire’s now-roomy pants, come up with a different nickname than “Turnip Head”.

Phew. Looks like the writers are going to answer some questions, clear up some murky areas, and move the plot along in the final arc:

Locke is forced reveal some of his secrets.

Walter’s “specialness” is explicit. (OMG - will he psychically prevent the raft from sailing?)

[By the way, does anyone but me think rafting out is a spectacularly bad idea? For god’s sake, these people aren’t even smart enough to make locating fresh water their highest priority after the crash.]

With Locke’s secrets revealed, will they at long last start talking to each other about all of their secrets? Like maybe call a tribal council?

Sayid has a chance to reconnect with with the terror-chick, who is alive and well. (OK, not as long as the show is in production.)

Kate went a whole episode without doing something bitchy, manipulative or deceptive - a nice change.

By the way, a lot of people here think Terry O’Quinn ought to get an Emmy. Notice that, in his speech at the beach, he left a lot of sentences incomplete. I wonder how much of that is script, and how much is his acting.

Except for slipping Doc-boy a Ruffie!!!

Good solid episode. Or maybe it just seemed that way after several weeks of deprivation.

I thought Locke’s character was written a little off. He seemed to swing back and forth a little too much from “Oh God, I’m so sorry about everything” to “I’m back to being the Master of Mystery”. Jack was also poorly defined this week but then his character has never really worked for me.

Sayid had a good week. Nice flashback story and interesting island happenings. As I pointed out to a fellow watcher the tie-in between the two storylines seems to be women making Sayid’s life complicated. Interesting also how Sayid appears to be someone who wasn’t “destined” to go on the flight.

And I liked all the Turnip Head scenes.

I think “Turnip-Head” is a great name for this kid. Loved how Sawyer’s voice worked like a lullabye.

Great flashback scenes with Sayid.

I’m glad Locke isn’t dead. I don’t think I could take that.

Sorry if I’m repeating others here; just didn’t feel like plowing through all the posts. A very strong ep. this time. Things are really hurtling towards the season finale. I’m dying to see what goes down next week with Walt warning them not to open that glowing box o’ trouble.

Right you are. Despite how much Jack needed to take five, that’s not cool.

Kate: “Yeah, lie down, because I gave you ground up sleeping pills”

Jack: “What? But I’m highly allergic to the stuff in those – they’ll send me into seizures!”

(Yeah, I know… but that’s what he should have said!)

I didn’t necessarily mean it was a bad thing–I just picked up on the word ‘deceptive’. On the other hand, Monstre has a point about administering drugs without knowing if your ‘patient’ has sensitivities.

Oh, well. Our Katie can slip me a little somethin’ any ole time!

Smug mode ON :smiley:

Had this conversation with the missus. I think a raft is a good idea. I don’t think that what they’re going to do with it is.

It looks like thye just want to sail around untill they find them mainland without any idea whre thay’re going. Thye could be out there a long time and never find anything.

However, if they want to take the raft out as far as reasonable without getting lost (well, further lost) then it might be a good idea. What if they’re only a few miles from the mainland? Maybe there’s another island just over the horizon. A shipping lane perhaps. It’s good to explore. Not good to wander around aimlessly in the vast blue.

Well. Now we have a non-occult theory for why the plane crashed:

[radical, leftist conspiracy guy]
[/radical, leftist conspiracy guy]