Exactly what I thought! Although, Michael and Walt do seem to be getting closer, so that seems a bit. . .extreme.
Either way, this looks to be an exciting episode.
Exactly what I thought! Although, Michael and Walt do seem to be getting closer, so that seems a bit. . .extreme.
Either way, this looks to be an exciting episode.
But Walt is unaware of his “special powers” and probably can’t control them. He thinks something, and it manifests itself.
True, but why attack Michael, even subconsciously? I think it’s more likely that Walt would try something possibly destructive, but not harmful: torching the raft again, or (from tanstaafl’s spoiler)
summoning a monsoon.
At worst, I could see him attacking one of the other rafters like Jin. Of course, if Michael and Walt start fighting, or Michael wants Walt to stay on the island (with the whole “I’m Doing This For Your Own Good” thing), then I’d believe it.
I somehow missed the bit where Walt burned the raft. What happened?
In In Translation, Walt burns the raft, and Locke sees him doing it. It’s still a mystery to everyone else. (Nitty gritty from Television Without Pity)
(Oh, and Walt does it because he likes the island and doesn’t want to leave)
“How am I supposed to keep straight who knows what around here? Steve didn’t even know about the polar bear!”
“Do you really think I’m capable of that?”
This from the woman who shot her bank robber accomplices without batting an eye.
Monster Ate The Pilot?
You know, maybe it’s just me, but this drama/suspense/thriller is funnier than most comedy sitcoms.
No I didn’t!!!
Well, I guess it’s Kate’s turn to be Shunned Castaway of the Week.
Creepy psychic kid!
Arrrgghh! I was hoping for more hatch action besides just showing the thing to Jack. And Walt saying “Don’t open it”. After all, we already got that in the previews from last week.
Ah well. We find out more about the Sneaky that is Kate…
And I guess she’s kept Sawyer at arm’s length enough that he doesn’t want to stick around to make Bad-Boy-Do-Me eyes at her any more.
The Lost Minute:
[li][Sun and Kate, in private][/li][li]Sun: Jack knows. I didn’t tell him it was your idea.[/li][li]Kate: Thanks.[/li][li]Sun: Why should you be punished? You were only trying to help me. He said he wouldn’t tell the others.[/li][li]Kate: Yeah. Jack’s good at keeping secrets.[/li][li]Sun: When I was a little girl, I believed that once I had found the man I loved, I would be happy. . .forever.[/li][li]Kate: Yeah. Me, too.[/li][/ul]
Previews for next week:
[li]Danielle (with rifle) is at the beach to warn everybody: “They’re coming again.”[/li][li]“Who’s coming again?” Danielle: “The Others”[/li][li]Danielle: “You have three choices. Run. Hide. Die.”[/li][li]Black screen, someone shouts, “Run!”[/li][li]A group of people moving the raft off the beach, towards the water[/li][li]Hurley looking at the hatch[/li][li]Various shots of people running[/li][li]Various shots of people looking worried[/li][li]Various shots of people running and looking worried[/li][/ul]
Not quite the action-fest that the promos implied, but still good. A few interesting twists at the end, and a heap more questions, but at least we got some answers this week.
I noticed something unusual about Walt and Locke’s scene – Walt was pretty relaxed up until Locke reached over and held his wrist. All of a sudden, Walt looked scared and told Locke not to open “that thing”. Do you suppose Walt discerned all this merely by a touch? Maybe he’s psychic?
If that was actually Kate’s mom, on her deathbed, wonder why mom freaked out like that, yelling “HELLLLLP!” It didn’t seem like she was actually in danger from Kate.
In the season finale, he accidentally wishes all the Castaways into the cornfield.
And slipped Jack a mickey when he needed to sleep.
She’s quite the experienced drink-spiker.