Lost 1.5 "White Rabbit"

So did anyone also watch The West Wing? Maybe part of the riddle is solved.
Locke is President Bartlett’s military adviser now, since Fitzwallace was killed last season.
He’s a General when he’s at the Whitehouse but was obviously a colonel at one time. :wink:
Two primetime shows running opposite of each other. Not bad.

Yeah that got me, too. Charlie said he couldn’t swim but out of all those other people there, someone should have been able to swim and they could have swam out and helped Boone (the lifeguard) back in at least so Jack could have gone after the girl.

As for collecting water, they did do that in a previous episode. I assumed they had just rebottled their water and it hadn’t rained again for them to collect more.

What did Locke say? “I looked into the eye of this island. And it was beautiful.” So what did he see?

As for collecting water, it’s a lush jungle, so water must have been nearby. But as the characters said, they assumed that they’d be rescued within a day or two, so they didn’t try to locate any more water, or collect the rainwater.

But I’ll be annoyed if they drag out the big mystery for several seasons.

I find it especially odd that everyone was concerned about water this episode when two episodes ago, they were putting out tarps and such to collect water. Did they suddenly forget that it rains there? At least Sawyer didn’t.

My first thought at the beginning was “where the heck is Lifeguard Dude? This is what he does!” Then we learn that he’s apparently not very good at life-guarding…

Locke was doing just that. I think he’s trying out for tribal shaman…

He gets my vote.
“You can’t lead if you don’t know where you’re going.”

I was happy I started calling Kate “Freckles” before I heard anybody on the show do it. It’s just that they are so ADORABLE!

They have a wet beach, sunlight, and I am sure a bunch of garbage bags out of the same galley where they found the water. Instant solar still. Could probably get a pint a day out of one. But magic of Hollywood…

BTW, who drowned? I was hoping it was Shannon, but I guess no such luck. :frowning:

A pint a day distributed among how many survivors…not to mention a thristy dog!

Personally, I learned it from Baby-Sitters Club Super Specail #4: "Baby-Sitters Island Adventure, but I’m a special case.

Yeah, we wouldn’t be that lucky. It was some random woman whose name I didn’t even catch. I think think we’d even met her before.

Was anyone else so frustrated by Jack not telling Kate about the whole father/ empty coffin thing (Or even seeming too weirded out by it)?? Unless I totally misunderstood it, but, hello!!?? I would be a bit more freaked out than that if I saw a previously dead man suddenly walking around only to then find that his coffin was empty and therefore it was not a hallucination!

Whoa, looks like things are really heating up next week. Violence and mayhem and drugs, oh my!

If I’d been on an island like this, I’d have been out looking for fresh water from day one. They should have figured that the giant beasties are drinking something and not just waiting for rainfall.

That opening scene with the kid beating the crap out of the other one was very disturbing.

Jack’s parents…Sheesh! What a way to tear down your kid, folks.

Spree, my VCR cut off at 9pm and lost a tiny chunk of the episode because ABC is actually running the show just a tad past that time. Next time I’ll have to program it to go to 9:01 so as to get every last bit plus the promo for next week.
Adjust TiVo accordingly. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I heard they ran out of actors in Hollywood so they’re asking some to double up.

Now if they could only bribe Martin Sheen to show up on the island in an Air Force 1 rescue helicopter we could tie this thing up and bring it home. :smiley:
Better yet, when the POTUS shows up have Fitz be there (alive) on the island w/ Jacks dad and the next episode could be called “Genesis 2…The Search for Locke”

Just funnin guys. So, how would you improve or make it more interesting?

When Sawyer and Kate were on the ground, did he say something about wanting that for four years? Or did I mishear? Did they know each other before?

No sign of the monster in the jungle, it seems like they’re all pretty willing to explore in the jungle now. What bothers me the most is that no one has even scouted the perimeter of the island, I don’t think they know how big it is, or if there is anything on the other side.

As vivalostwages said, blame ABC for not airing it exactly within the 9-10 hour. I understand you are upset, BUT DO NOT BADMOUTH THE TIVO. NEXT TIME, SOMEONE WILL KNOCK ON YOUR FRONT DOOR.
And I also want to know what was that convo about at the end after Jack said “I had to take care of some things?”

He definitely did. Something like “I’ve been thinking about doing this for four years.”

They collected water from leaves, LAST NIGHT.

And, they’ve been collecting water using tarps. It just hasn’t rained in a while (which makes you wonder why it was still on the leaves, but at least they showed that they have that covered.)

Wouldn’t we all chuckle if on the other side was some nice beach resort, with plenty of food and drinks and nice comfy beds.

Did anyone else hear the clinking of ice in a glass before Jack found the water? like in the scene with his father after he was beaten up.

I think Jack’s father’body wasn’t on the plane(the flashback at the airport) just the coffin, so he distroyed it out of guilt for not doing what he was to do.

My original thought was that the airline removed the body and sent an empty coffin to shut Jack up and get him to LA. However, if he was chasing his dad’s ghost through the jungle, then it makes more sense that Jack planted him in Oz and took an empty coffin to mollify everyone else at home.

If he planted his dad in Oz, why would he have opened the casket. Granted, he didn’t look to shocked to see the casket empty, but if he knew it was empty, why open it?