Well isn’t this an interesting twist of events
Looks like Charlie’s still in the running for the most hated guy on the island.
Gah! There is no excuse for bonking Sun on the head. :mad: Bad Charlie! No heroin!
Crap, I did NOT see that coming with Sawyer at the end, and especially with Charlie. I think that Charlie definitely has the sickness and is a goner. I think Sawyer was just being himself.
For that entire episode, I kept thinking, damn… Sawyer’s girlfriend/mark sure sounds and looks familiar…
That’s Joanie Stubbs! From Deadwood!
I was waiting for someone to say “He can’t stay awake all the time”
Next week:
The time goes to zero!
Sayid goes Jack Bauer
Notice that they have guns?
The timer goes to zero!
I for one thought that this episode was very good.
A very nice episode. The flashback didn’t tell us anything new but it tied in well with the main story. I’ll admit I was expecting one more twist - I was figuring that the final resolution of the flashback con would be that George and Cassiday had been working together and Sawyer was the real target of the con. That would have gone a long way in explaining his current cynicism and inability to trust people.
I also liked the way they planted the seed of Charlie being angry and then let it go until the final scene. It made everything obvious but only in retrospect. I had figured Anna Lucia was Sawyer’s ally - she wanted the guns and he wanted revenge.
The con was overly elaborate. It was like The Sting - it required about twenty different things to happen exactly as the conmen wanted them to in order to work. Things like that can only work in TV and movies. In real life, Kate would have decided to go directly to Locke instead of conveniently asking Sawyer to do it or some other little detail would have blown the whole plan.
The one giant problem I have with this whole thing is that Locke and Kate are very capable of tracking Sawyer through the whatnot of the island. They should’ve had the guns back by the end of the last commercial break.
And nice work Detective Monstre on the Sawyer call. You one crafty mofo.
Sawyer must’ve gotten tired of trying to chase Charlie for the “most hated islander” award, so he teamed up with him to steal the title back from the hated seabillies.
Anybody else hoping that when the clock hits zero, a bunch of confetti and ballons fall from the ceiling?
What was in the bag that Cass took? Was it only part of the money or what?
Am I the only one who thought, “Everything under Heaven is chaos, and the situation is excellent,” or something along those lines, at the end? As a purely uninvolved observer (I don’t have favorites among the cast and I’m not “rooting” for anyone at this point, just watching), I find Sawyer’s coup d’etat most amusing. It’s interesting to see the machinations really get under way.
This was a much better episode than the last one. Thumbs up.
…wow, this was the worst episode I’ve seen yet. I like my twists and turns, but every 2 minutes I had to ask ‘WTF?’. It felt like a cop show with so many suspects and clues it got out of control.
I thought it was one of the best, particularly at the end.
Well, it went along with the “Long Con” theme of the flashbacks – so I had a strong feeling he was up to something, but I didn’t realize it was to actually get the guns for himself. I thought he was just getting back at Jack, but I didn’t think he was out to con Locke, as well.
And a big “Happy New Year” banner!
As annoyed as I am that no mysteries were any closer to being solved by the end of this episode, I’m a sucker for a mystery. That’s what this was, really, and a pretty good one at that - in retrospect it makes perfect sense what was going on the whole time.
And the way the flashback’s theme tied back into the episode? Brilliant. Sawyer’s a mean son of a bitch.
The only thing I’m not comfortable with is Charlie getting crazy enough to bring harm to Sun to exact revenge on Locke. But … eh.
I assume it was mostly faked-money, like in the first flashback of the episode.
Oh and how hot was Sawyer looking in that “There’s a new sheriff in town” scene?
I’ll answer that. Damn hot!
Er … confusing use of the word “mystery”, I guess: island mysteries vs. crime story.
Ahhh, I missed the first 9 minutes of the ep due to an inexplicable failure by my DVR to record it. Damn. OK, that makes sense now.
IIRC, the basis of Sawyer’s con on Cassidy is the same con as that shown in the flashback last year that the real Sawyer ran on this Sawyer’s mother? I was recalling real Sawyer last year doing the same suitcase-falling-open maneuver.
Two strange things about Sun’s attack:
It’s not like them, to create a mystery and solve it in the same episode. I don’t think Charlie really did it. But I do think he *believes *he did it.
Why did Kate say Sun’s hands were tied? They weren’t. (I replayed it with TiVo) Sawyer sent Kate to Jack. He then picked up Sun, and you could see her arm dangling with no rope or bruise.
And I think when the clock runs to 0 next week, there should be a jack-in-the-box clown on a spring, like in the Twilight Zone intro.
This was one of the best episodes this season. But that’s not saying much.
It just occurred to me: The music Sayid got on his receiver at the end was “Moonlight Serenade” by Glenn Miller.
Glenn Miller’s plane was lost at sea and never found, in 1944.
No mysteries solved in this episode? Are you serious? In this episode we finally learned what Bernard’s occupation was!
Now who picked dentist in the pool?