Lost 2.20: "Two for the Road"

I’m pretty sure he only shot himself in the left arm. I wonder if he’s truly been converted to an Other or if they’ve threatened to kill Waaaaaaalt if he doesn’t set Henry free?

With the look on his face when he looked at Henry (and from next weeks preview), I’m doubting he’s just a desperate daddy doing what he can for his son. Dude looked othered. Creepy as all doodles.

Well, Henry didn’t seem to think his chances of survival with his people was any better than an Apollo bars chances with Hurley. Why would they want him so bad if he was such a failure? Surely they didn’t want him back so bad just to kill him? Unless Henry was just feeding them more bull and someone’s spec that Henry was the big guy himself makes more sense. But that sure seems like a risky move for the top guy to make, look at how many times he was almost killed.`

I think he’s othered. The look Henry gave him gave me the impression that he was expecting Michael.

Geez, no kidding. Once I saw it was an AL flashback episode I figured she’d be dead by the end of the episode: resolve her story, then bang. The scene with Sawyer was so eeewwwww though. I guess that’ll show Kate that playing all hard-to-get may not be the best strategy on an island full of hotties.

I had to find out who got booted on American Idol and I missed what happened between the time AL pulls Christian away from the blonde Australian lady’s house, and when he goes into the bar. Anyone feel like re-capping?

Gee, I WONDER if Jack’s long-lost half-sister is somewhere on Craphole Island?! :rolleyes:


I just got caught up with Tivo, and I’m literally shaking.

Michael (if it really was Michael) seemed surprised by what he had done, as if someone else (Henry?) was pulling the strings.

Yeah, poor Hurley.

Do we think Libby is dead, too? He shot her in the abdomen so she could still be alive. Ana Lucia looks like she took it in the heart so she has to be the dead one.
Note to self: If you ever get a job on Lost do not break any laws.

I am going to use that all the time now.

“You ok? You look a bit Othered, you’re freaking me out.”

I don’t think I like the way this season is going.

Damn HTPC! It stopped right after Mike openned the vault on Henry. I neeeeed to see what happened. TWOP and you guys will help, but I must find a copy of this for the last minute, it’s just that simple.

DAMN ABC and their funky scheduling! Damn them!

Am I the only one who cheered when Ana Lucia got plugged? (by Michael, not by Sawyer :smiley: ) I was so sick of her and her perpetual sneer. Please do not include her in any more flashbacks. Pretty please?

I hope that becomes a Hurley phrase.

I didn’t think I’d be the only one to think Otherness is feeling very Scientology-y these days.

This sounds right to me. Seems there are two sets of Others - the seabillies and the barefoots - and they are at odds somehow. The Losties are caught in a tug-of-war, or a real war, and they - like us - have no clear idea which is the right side. This is shaping up to be a verrrry interesting finale!

I was thinking maybe there aren’t any barefoot Others, only doctor-y, fake-bearded Others. Michael’s story might have just been nonsense he fed to Jack and the rest to get them all riled up. I’m surprised Kate didn’t speak up about how sophisticated their old base was.

Also, remember that the Others don’t yet know that any of the Losties found their old base. They might still be trying to pass off the notion that they’re a bunch of scraggly old survivors.

I kept flipping back and forth between Lost and Idol. Was there any more with Jack’s dad and Ana Lucia? Did she tell him she was going back?

Those blankets Libby was holding might have given her some protection, don’t you think?

Or does Two for the Road mean something other than all that drinking A-L and Jack’s dad were doing?

Two for the Road: those two actresses were busted for drinking and driving, and now off they go. I think it’s pretty funny.

As for the Others living in tents instead of their sophisticated base, maybe they’re like our Losties, and have a beach/hatch living arrangement.

Well, it could mean that two actors have hit the road looking for new jobs.

I didn’t know the actress who plays Libby was busted too. Ahhhhhh. Clever title then.

I won’t miss A-L, but I liked Libby’s character.

What about Jack’s dad? I’m starting to wonder if he’s really dead. I don’t remember the circumstances of his death, or if Jack saw his body. Didn’t Jack think he saw him on the island, back in the first season?

I’ve been saying it to Alias for a while. If these monkeys would spend an hour around a campfire comparing notes, they’d have this island thing licked.

I may be wrong on the second group. I’m just stuck on the whole test/worthiness thing. Echo said they were being tested in the preview for next week. It also doesn’t seem to far fetched that there would be another (possibly older) group of survivors from another disaster. Having the group of barefooted animals be just a disguised group of seabillies seems to easy.