Well, he was the star quarterback that Keanu Reeves was replacing in “The Replacements” (according to IMDB):
Looks like the tailies do have a traitor infiltrating their group, and it isn’t Libby…
Well, he was the star quarterback that Keanu Reeves was replacing in “The Replacements” (according to IMDB):
Looks like the tailies do have a traitor infiltrating their group, and it isn’t Libby…
So maybe Goodwin wasn’t staked by the “others”. The taillies will ID him and I bet Eko stakes him.
Well, Ana Lucia staked him instead! Duuuuude.
I thought Boone had said “We’re the survivors of Flight Eight-Fifteen”. (And the same response back.
Ana Lucia staking Goodwin was pretty cool, but I still don’t like her. Oh, and now she’s crying. Boo-hoo. Still don’t care.
Nope, I was wrong. Boone did say “Eight One Five” in the previous episode (and the response was the same). Just went back and checked…
Yep, she still falsely imprisoned Eliot’s boyfriend and treated him wrong. She’s still an imperious bitch, even if she did take Goodwin down.
Well that was quite the end. And interestingly in Canada it ended on time. Either we had fewer commercials or scenes got snipped.
Gotta say I don’t like Ana Lucia any better now than I did before. That looked like one pissed off Sayid which doesn’t bode well for Ana Lucia. Darn.
I don’t like Ana Lucia any better now either. And based on the scenes for next week, looks like AL had more than one bullet left in that gun.
Well, there’s some interesting stuff in what Goodwin said. “He wasn’t a good person. That’s why he wasn’t on the list.”
So they take the “good” people? Which seem to always include the kids, but apparently not just the kids. And what do they do with them? Other-fy them?
At least now we know Shannon’s really dead.
If she chops Sayid’s head off, I’m never watching this show again.
Also, I thought they only had one bullet? Ana’s gun, whether she shot Shannon or not, was empty. So wtf?
Yeah, I’m definitely curious about the Others’ motives. Maybe somewhere on the island there’s an amusement park, and the good people get kidnapped and taken to ride rollercoasters and eat funnel cake.
I don’t think we needed an entire episode about the tailies. It was interesting enough, I suppose, but I don’t feel like we learned a whole lot of new information.
Well, we did find out that they had an infiltrator, too – and I would venture to guess that Goodwin came from the same group of people that Ethan did. Both of them wore shoes, too (and seemed quite able to merge into the “civilized” groups of survivors).
The first episode this season where I didn’t feel like asking “is that all we’re getting?” at the end.
That’s true - I just wonder if they couldn’t have fit the little bit of new info into a regular episode with some plot advancement. They could’ve done a normal episode and had Ana-Lucia or Mr Eko flashbacks. Preferably Mr Eko, as he doesn’t make me feel stabby every time he speaks.
This is sweeps, so these episodes are our best chance of new and exciting stuff. I’m not sure tonight’s episode was time well spent, especially considering that after November we’ll only have one new episode until January. Just my opinion, of course, and I’m sure it’s transparent that anything so heavy on AL makes me long for the days when Kate would just stand staring uselessly into the ocean.
I assumed it was a different gun. Sayid is carrying one and there are others in the hatch, so guns on the Island of the Darned are apparently cheap and plentiful.
I was irrationally very irritated by the last five minutes. ABC was hyping this as an “extended episode” but almost all the time beyond the normal end time was repeated footage from earlier episodes. Intellectually I know that previous scenes during the main hour were the “extended” parts but it still irritated me. Still, we got to see Shannon killed again, and it shortened Invasion, so there’s two things for the extension right there.
True. I’m not all that interested in too much new stuff about Ana Lucia anyways. But I am holding out hopes for the episode in a couple weeks titled, “What Kate Did”. That one sounds much more interesting to me.
I don’t mind the pace they are taking on revealing “island secrets” – but there are more things I want to know about the histories on our own characters. Especially why Kate is a fugitive and even her own mom feared her.
Yeah, I that possibility occurred to me, too. Although it looked like she was firing it as Sayid was first coming towards her, although they may have just juxtaposed scenes that aren’t really adjacent for the teaser…
It wasn’t much of an extension – but at least we did get to see how Jin ended up with his hands tied and running back to the beach.
Now I can’t wait to see how our survivors are going to react. We know that Sayid is going to be pissed, but I’m sure the rest of our survivors won’t be overly quick to welcome the Queen Bitch of the Tailies with open arms.
Damn all the TV networks all to hell. I am not crazy about the shows preceeding Lost so I watched something else before 9. I figured I’d switch over right at the end of the other show and even if Lost had started they’d still be showing what happened previously, like they always do. But nooooo! I switch over and they are already running and screaming on the beach. I looked at the clock and it was 9:03, so that other dame network ran over.
So what did I miss? The first I saw was just before Mr. Eko got the kids out of the water.
I thought it was a good episode. It was interesting seeing the parallels between the two groups. When Nathan said he was from Canada, I knew he wasn’t the mole because they were making it look too obvious that he was. About that time I figured it was Goodwin. Did anyone else think Goodwin looked surprised when they came across the hatch? It makes me wonder if his group knows about the hatches.
I agree with the majority opinion, I still hate AL.
The episode opened with a scene of the beach, looking out over the water, nice, serence, peaceful… waves crashing… stayed like that for about 10 seconds or so.
You missed a good beginning. It started with a shot from the beach, looking past a palm tree into the ocean. The very picture of serenity… still holding on this shot… starting to get eerie even… until you hear the whistling sound of something falling from the sky… FOOOOOM! The tail section of the plane hurtles into view, and crashes into the ocean, about 200 yards (maybe more?) from shore… then a piece of debris comes flying toward the camera… LOST… chaos and screaming ensue.
Also… did I hear that someone is missing a glass eye?