Lost 3.07: "Not in Portland"

So did the Portland people arrange the “hit-by-the-bus” incident?

Ethan’s looking a little chunky-faced in the flashback. Oh, and that was Ethan that she walked past in the earlier flashback sequence, when she was going down the hallway to see her sister.

So the Portland dude was a Dharma guy?

Not sure / I guess so / what the crap? And what was the name of the company he claimed to work for? (In case it becomes important later.)


Was that the Room they put Walt in? Bastards!

I gotta say, that was the best episode I’ve seen this season.

OK, they metioned my earlier spoiler (why don’t they go to the mainland to fix up Ben), but Tom said “Ever since the sky went purple”

so 1: Was there anything else Tom said, I think he was interrupted
2: How can Ben keep his promise to Juliette? why did she believe him?
3: If Ben is Alex’s dad, does that invalidate Crazy French Lady’s story (didn’t she kill her husband??)


They’re very… thorough in their recruitment efforts. :eek: Honestly, as soon as she said the words “hit by a bus” I started scanning all of the scenery for buses, especially since we saw the Clockwork Orange room display (among others) the aphorism “We are the cause of our own suffering.” As soon as I saw the bus behind him, I knew she wouldn’t get a chance to finish telling him off. When a recruiter asks what could change your mind, make sure you’re asking for something you really want, because you’ve just signed a contract with the Devil. Also, Juliet has aged well since that day, and now she is one cast-iron ice-cold ninja bitch. I would not put my money down on a contest of wills between her and Kate (on either side!).

Oh, and Ethan’s chunkiness? That’s because he was still working at the home office on recruiting. He’s probably a bus driver at HQ… or something. Once we get to the crash site he’s already noticeably slimmer, and by the time he tries to kill Charlie he’s down to whatever the jungle couldn’t suck off his bones.

Alex was a baby when they got her, no?

Kid becomes cognizant, dude tells her he’s her dad - what else is she to believe?

I agree this was a great episode. Now I’m off to IMDB to see if Edmund, the recruiter or The Sister are people we’re supposed to know from earlier episodes.

I had assumed that Ben was Alex’s dad in the sense that he “adopted” her after they kidnapped her. It never occurred to me that he could be her biological dad… althuogh that raises some interesting possibilities.
I love this show.

ok, getting hit by a bus is now officially the most overused tv/movie cliche

did dharma arrange that bus accident or was it some kind of thinking creates reality effect like with walt?

tom friendly implies that they couldn’t take ben off the island because of the hatch implosion, but they hatched their whole plan to capture jack before the sky turned purple so what could that have to do with it?

holy clockwork orange, batman!

ok if you are in recovery from cancer, why are you trying to have a baby? where’s the boyfriend/husband?

is karl going to be a part of the losties now? could he be an infiltrator? is he a cylon agent? :smiley:

Enjoyed the guest stars.

Calamity Jane from Deadwood as the sister (not sure about that one, but pretty sure)
Governor from Oz as the ex-husband
Mac from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia as the guard of the Clockwork Orange cell

Didn’t care much for Juliet’s backstory…until the end of course.

Well, I suppose if you were slathered in Hurley, you might not survive the experience.

Sawyer gave Danielle three nicknames, but I forgot the third: Sheena, Underdog, and…?

When I was a contract negotiator, we used to talk about “being hit by a bus” as a worst-case scenario–until the day I almost got HIT BY A FRAKKING BUS. Then I asked them never to say it again. Shit, what a nasty flashback.

I think I checked out during this part. Could someone please elaborate on when that happened, and what exactly was said?

OK, what was “Not in Portland’s” company name? Is it an anagram of Dharma and Hanso? The guy said it too quickly for me to catch it, but it sounded something like Midrios.

Wow, great episode. Is Juliet really free…?


I believe the company’s name was Mettelos, I believe.

Juliet’s sister was played by Robin Weigert.

I believe the sky turning purple is keeping everybody from flying anywhere or navigating with compasses. That’s just a guess.

OK. I guess you’re supposed to go to www.mittelosbioscience.org to find info about The Company, plus email messages from JBURKE (password = Rachael). I wasn’t able to get the link to work, but maybe tomorrow.

Company name = Mittelos Bioscience. Time Lost? Lost Time?

I also think that Juliet was working on some method of getting people to conceive without having to use the sperm and egg thing.

I’m in to Mittleos web site, and logged in under jburk…

clears throat Umm, my question! I need answers!!! Here it is again for convenicence:

Could someone please elaborate on why Ben can’t seek medical help off the island? And what did Tom say about the sky being purple or something?