Lost 3.11 "Enter 77"

Hmmm, I am irritated about the 77 thing. All the stuff down there, operations manuals and such. The characters didn’t communicate like they should have.

“So, what’s down there?”
“All kinds of stuff, and the whole place is wired!”
“Damn, check out this dude on the computer”
“Wow, better not hit 77.”


Locke is way too freakin’ naive. Way, way too naive. “It told me to push the button, so I did!” Sayid was ready to kill him, and for good reason.

Although I don’t recall the exact specifics of Sayid’s flashbacks, I think he did torture that woman. My presumption is that what he told her was the truth, and he lied his ass off to the husband, because he figured that as soon as he admitted to it, the man would up and kill him regardless of what his wife wanted.

That cat makes, what, five creepy animals on the island now? The polar bear, Vincent, the boar, the horse, and now the cat.

Also, a completely irrelevant tidbit that I’m geeking out on. Last fall, I began racing through Babylon 5, and I’ve just recently finished Season 4. This is the first time I’ve seen Rousseau since beginning B5, and now I don’t see Rousseau, but Delenn. I had thought her accent in B5 an affectation for the show, but apparently it’s genuine, and I’m loving it. :smiley: [/geek-out]

And they said in Russian: ___________________________________________



And the be-logo-ed shark (which while not on the island is certainly of the island.)

Found one translation here.

Now I still want to know what the russian documents said, and what the markups on them said.


I thought the name sounded familiar. Mikhail Bakunin

I can see why CFL didn’t want to spend any more time than necessary with the Losties. They could easily get her killed.
Did the cow and horse escape the kaboom?
More great Sawyer nicknames: Grimmis (that’s an oldie!) and Avalanche.

“Get bent, Hugo” :slight_smile:

From Lostpedia:

*- Lost in his land, and they must …

  • If necessary, through complete social (break) …
  • Pushed away Andrey (underlined, see first red note). Nadji was not …
  • Resistance, however he was an excellent …
  • A cousin of influential …
  • One of the northwestern …
  • Specialist (underlined) helping …

(break, paper scrolls down)

  • Radicals of that time …
  • Believed that they held up the West …
  • Road to Allah, so he could erase infidels from the face of the Earth …
  • Andrey thought, that the fall of Afghanistan will become an impulse …
  • Of social revolution (see second red note) …
  • “Pakistani came today”, Nadji reported with a strong accent …
  • Russian language …
  • ISI (acronym) will be included in this. And you …
  • Andrey.*

So, mostly gibberish then, but it clearly appears to be something related to Sayid and his days in the Republican Guard. Something tells me there’s a possible connection between him and Mikhail that will be revealed later on.

The exchange between Klugh & Mikhail in Russian, already referenced above, is this (to make sure people see it in the thread):

Klugh: Mikhail. Mikhail! You know what to do.
Mikhail: We still have another way [out].
Klugh: We cannot risk. You know the conditions.
Mikhail: There is another way.
Klugh: They captured us. We will not give (or let, or betray) [unintelligible] … you know what to do. It’s an order.
Mikhail: We still have another way!
Klugh (in English): Just do it, Mikhail.
Mikhail: Forgive me.

And bang, so she dies. I wonder what could have been so important that giving up her life was a better option than capture.

Gotta agree, Locke appears to be getting senile. I like Locke’s character because he seemed to convey the sense that he was piecing the mysteries of the island together in his head faster than the rest of the characters and had a better idea of what was going on, but this episode made him into a bit of a dolt. I know he didn’t realize the place was wired to blow because Sayid didn’t get to tell him, but Locke should have been smart enough to realize that if the security of that compound had been breached that going the “Option 77” route would be a drastic measure for whomever was protecting it. Come on, Locke, get in the game. They had a lot of Dharma clues in that compound just waiting to be looked at, so naturally it stands to reason that they must all be destroyed before the episode is over. Sayid ought to smack him. Cool episode overall though, nice to finally get some momentum going on the Dharma plot again. Locke’s ‘Black & White’ motif made a return in the form of the chess game as well, though I doubt that really means anything. Nice Sayid flashback; all of his are emotionally moving.

Also, was I the only one who remembered that the cat shared the same name as Sayid’s lost love, Nadia?

So far Locke has:

Caused Boone’s death.

Caused the destruction of the hatch.

Blown up the Flame station.

Now he’s on his way to the Other’s village. I have one word for the people living there:


I think Locke should be confined to his sweat-lodge, guarded by Charlie with a large rifle, until he stops being stupid or they tell us why he was in the wheelchair.

This is probably a stupid question, but this actually bothered me so much last night that I woke up worrying about it: Why would a Russian dude have named his cat after a Romanian gymnast? Even if they did have the same birthday? Is that how Sayid figured out that Mikhail wasn’t who or what he claimed to be?

Locke isn’t stupid, he’s obsessive. He simply has no self control over pursuing what he wants, and what he wants is for his life to have some meaning, so he follows clues and rabbit holes.

He was Ukrainian (which is to say, a citizen of the Soviet Union but not Russian). During the Cold War it would have been common for him to cheer for any socialist country’s athletes in their competitions against capitalist countries. Note also that “Nadia,” according to her Wikipedia article, is short for “Nadezhdaya” which means “Hope.” I suspect that’s the real reason why.

rockle, the picture was there, maybe that’s what gave him the idea?

Easily the worst computerized security system ever devised.

IT Guy #1: “How 'bout a long assed game of chess!?”
IT Guy #2: “How 'bout a username and password?”

So, the Others are the Hostiles from the perspective of the Dharma Initiative. Or perhaps I should say ‘were’, since it seems there are no more DI, just Dharma infrastructure being used by the Others. They don’t even seem able to fix the broken bits. Although they appear to be able to absorb certain people from the outside, so individuals from the DI may be among them.
Eye Patch (think he’s a vegetarian?) said he was never a member of the DI, so were the Others placing ads in Ukrainian newspapers looking for people to save the cheerlea-- I mean world? (It’s sad when the comic book show is making more logical sense than the show that promised no explain everything without magic & faeries.)
The Others:
They’ve been there a very long time.
They purge.
They’ve been hitting buttons to keep the Dharma manna falling from the sky. Guess that little luxury is over now. Way to go, Locke.
Speaking of Locke, in this episode he showed roughly the same amount of self-control as my 7 year-old son in regards to computer games. What the hell? He needed a button-pushing fix that badly?

I enjoyed Sayid’s backstory, but would like to think he’s letting Bakunin live for reasons other than karmic debt as his tale seems to imply. I don’t want Sayid going all soft on me now.

I think that’s the key here. At the end of last season, he went all skeptical, stopped pushing the buttons on faith, and Swan Station got destroyed (leading pretty directly to Eko’s death). So now, in reaction, he’s switched back to “total faith mode,” someone says “push the button”, he pushes the button.

Didn’t Kelvin also refer to “The Hostiles”?

CFL was out of character. Since when does she take orders from anyone. She would’ve shot the Russina w/o question. I liked the juxtaposition of Locke playing chess on the computer and Sayid playing verbal chess with the Russian guy. Good episode.

I think she trusts/respects Sayid more than other Losties, as he was her first encounter and he plays the game well - meaning he knows how much more important it is to the “whole picture” to gain trust to get information instead of “shoot first, ask questions later.” He gained her trust that way.

He must have…as she is CRAZY French Lady and she had him tied to a bed and he’s still around to tell about it :slight_smile: