Roast pig and beer! Wooooo!!!
Sawyer’s sharing the beer. That’s some personal growth for ya.
Roast pig and beer! Wooooo!!!
Sawyer’s sharing the beer. That’s some personal growth for ya.
Seemed to me she did. She told Kate, “We don’t know what it is,” as if she was familiar with it, or at least with Others’ attempts to figure it out. If I’m right, and if Juliet was truthful, then we know someting else about it: it’s not controlled by Benry’s crew.
Now as for Jack/Kate/Sawyer: I’m not sure Jack’s heart is Kate’s responsibility. I could be forgetting something, but I don’t recall him ever giving much, if any, indication that he was interested. Seems like the lust flowed in Sawyer --> Kate --> Jack order. So I understand that Jack would write her off after viewing the cage tryst, but I wouldn’t have thought it would be a betrayal.
Oh, and I love Hurley.
Don’t get Juliet at all. How can you tell she’s lying? Her lips are moving. She knew that Jack and Sayid were still at the camp. How did she know that if she supposedly didn’t even know the Others had left? Also, if she has some feelings for Jack (writers trying to make us think so at least) then why did she not want to go back to help him?
I am also of the opinion that Losties should move to suburbia. If they don’t, they lose a lot of credibility in my book, not that credibility has much place in the scheme of things.
Can someone explain what last week’s story had to do with anything? Why did we need to know about this couple who are now dead anyway? Like we didn’t have enough questions already!
Didn’t it seem a little strange to you that Sawyer, con man extraordinaire, had so much trouble being nice to people? Isn’t that part of his job description?
It’s harder to be nice for the sake of it than it is to be nice for the sake of money.
Can’t get enough Juliet.
Regarding the question of how she ended up in the jungle handcuffed to Kate, if you can believe anything she says, it seems she was gassed at the same time as Sayid, Kate and Jack. Then awoke first, carried Kate into the jungle and handcuffed them together. I could use some clarification about why. Given her choice of people to literally hook up with, I sure as hell wouldn’t have chosen Kate.
But I guess she wouldn’t have been able to carry Sayid off.
I was disappointed in randwill’s weekly rant. You didn’t even hint at what will make you stop watching the show.
Well, there was the one time after they got caught in “a net” – Jack and Kate going out to try to find the Others, to trade Michael for Ben. When they were sitting out at the “line”, Kate said, “I’m sorry we kissed.”
Jack replied, “I’m not.”
Besides that – I agree. As far as I recall, that’s about as forthcoming as he’s ever been (which isn’t much!) about any desire for her. Anything else, he’s always kept to himself. Even in season 1, when Kate caught Jack watching her intently, and she asked, “Jack, are you checking me out?” He made some excuse, like he was focused on something else. Kate seemed a little disappointed at the time, like she was hoping he was checking her out.
Juliet was probably of a like mind, after Kate dislocated her shoulder.
“Why the hell did I pick this psycho bitch to handcuff myself to?!!”
I think last weeks story was nothing more than the producers pre-scheduling some time off for some of the actors (Jack, Locke, Sayid, etc) by developing a storyline in which none of them appeared for any measurable time. It might even be in some of the actors contracts that they appear in only X out of Y shows.
That’s the “benefit of a doubt” explanation. OTOH, maybe the producers were just dicking us around.
IMHO, Last week showed that they could do interesting shows that are one-shots… gives me hope for the longer term.
Juliet totally owned kate up until the arm out of socket thing… and I’m not so sure I would trust tht the arm was out of socket. Juliet is better at manipulation than Ben ever thought about being.
If Juliet is a ‘spy’, then it would be to determine if the initial list had any ‘errors’ in it. I do believe she was ‘left behind’, in that she had betrayed Ben and he had promised to let her go (home).
Where’d Locke’s dad go off to?
heh. i spent three weeks on oahu. i’d be very happy being the fifth assistant gopher on set. hell, i’d drive the honey wagon just be there right this minute.
14-hour days shooting on the beach, you say? bring it on.
sigh… i love hawai’i…
Did anyone else find it just a tad suspicious that everytime Kate came upon a “gassed” person they just “happened” to wake up in the nick of time?
Juliet wakes up just as Kate opens the knife and is instantly aware enough to grab it.
Why was Jack still “asleep” from the gas after Kate and Juliet had been conscious for at least a day?
Seems like a bit of a stretch and I thought Kate was savvy enough to spot it as odd.
Kate would’ve been gassed first to give time for Juliet to set things up.
Juliet was likely not gassed, but told she wasn’t welcome along.
We don’t know if Sayid was awake or not, and we have no idea on when Jack was (or if he was) gassed… looked more like a struggle in his cabana… he could’ve been knocked out by other means.
Clearly the scene with the gas masks when kate was gassed was for Kate’s benefit.
I don’t know if “clearly” is the word I’d use.
By the way, it all happened so fast, how was Juliet able to get to the other side of the evil sonic fence in order to disarm it without being killed by it?
I don’t think she disarmed it… I think it was disarmed (she said something about it being “off”). I think all she did was arm it. Which is why she yelled to Kate that she wanted to be on the other side.
The fence was off. Juliet knew it because she had dragged Kate out to the forest. She had probably turned it off then.
Fair 'nuff
I think Jack’s in on whatever mischief Juliet’s up to; he didn’t have a particularly good reason why they should bring her along when Sayid objected. She needs something from the beach group and she needs to gain their trust to get it, and how better to do that then to get Jack’s endorsement?
They must have turned the fence off again when they left for the beach.
Can you think of any reasons not to move to the dorms?
No, Juliet said a canister was thrown in her window.
And when Kate entered Jack’s bungalow and looked at the mess on the floor, I’m 99% sure there was a gas canister in there too.
My Randomized comments:
Are we sure the Kate/Sawyer thing was just out of pity? Weren’t those dimples involved? And if I were in Kate’s shoes, I’d rather walk with Sayid than Jack anyway.
How do you all feel about Kate & Cassie having that connection? Is it any more of a wild coincidence than anything else on this show? Will it be of any importance in their stories? Does anyone else hate Locke as much as me? Even if he comes back as a hero I’m still really really annoyed with him.
I wouldn’t move to Otherville. What if Locke wired it to blow up?
Regarding Hurley and Sawyer – As soon as Hurley convinces Sawyer he can be a leader, presto, Jack shows up to take over. Sawyer does get the best lines (“won’t be getting the Korean vote”).