Well, no, that’s not correct. I honestly couldn’t care one teensy weensy bit less what you think about my “emotional investment” in Lost. I mean, it’s a television show. I enjoy watching it. If I stop enjoying it, I will stop watching it. If you don’t like it, it doesn’t affect my enjoyment of the show in either direction. It’s just… it’s a television show. It is trivial.
People get annoyed because… well, imagine that there’s a pizza place nearby. And imagine that you like going to this pizza place, because you like pizza. Mmm, pizza, right? So you go, and it’s a sort of friendly place, and people talk about the pizza. And sometimes it’s especially good, and sometimes it’s OK. And you chat about the sauce, which changes a little bit from visit to visit because the chef makes it from scratch.
But there’s this guy. He sits in the corner. He comes in every night. Has been for years. Every night, before he looks at the menu, he says sarcastically: “I wonder if they’ll have pizza tonight.”
Then he looks at the menu, "Oh, wow," he says, sarcastically. “Looks like I was right; they’re serving pizza.. Ha ha ha.”
Everyone is a little bemused, because hey, this place has always served pizza. The people come here because they like the pizza. Not to mention - well, it’s not just pizza. “Look,” you tell the guy in the corner. “I’m having a calzone.” But the guy in the corner just twists it: “well, it’s got bread and mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce; looks like pizza to me!”
And everyone eats their pizza. And the guy in the corner, he eats the pizza, too. Spends an hour in there, eating this pizza that he hates, when there’s a really nice Chinese place next door and a Fridays across the street. After dinner, everyone talks about the pizza. Some liked it more; some liked it less. But the guy in the corner, he’s still mad that it’s pizza.
And he keeps saying it. Day after day, meal after meal; “ooh, gee, I wonder if they’ll serve pizza tonight,” as if that’s a clever contribution. And no one is deeply hurt by this; it’s just a stupid pizza. But it’s tedious. They know it’s pizza. Why is he still here?
Thing is, that’s about how I feel right now. It’s not a big deal, but… we get it. You think there’s too much conning going on in Lost. OK. There have been deceptions inherent in every episode of the series since it began. Deception is part of what the show is about. Have you really been watching for three years hoping this would change?
And you don’t like all the flashbacks. Again, they have been happening since the show started. They’re not new. You don’t like them. We get that. We do.
And you don’t like the speed with which the island mysteries are revealed, which I just don’t understand. In this season alone we have learned an enormous amount about the Others, their purpose and their methods. We have gained a more nuanced understanding of the island’s evident healing powers. We have learned quite a bit about two of last season’s more mysterious characters - Desmond and Ben - and met a bunch of new characters. We have seen the “security system” - the black smoke monster which is pretty clearly the same thing that killed the pilot whether you want to admit it or not - more closely and gotten hints as to its nature. We have seen what happened to Cindy and the kids. We have an idea why there was a polar bear on the island, and why there was a shark in the water. They haven’t revealed everything because I’m pretty sure there are a few more episodes planned.
But you don’t think it’s moving fast enough. We get it.