LOST 6.10 "The Package"

[spoiler]When Jin and Mikhail were wrestling with the gun, it went off and either hit her directly or ricocheted and hit her.

And who wants to bet he’ll take her to the hospital where she’ll be treated by Jack? Well, maybe not, since he’s a spinal surgeon, but I bet he’ll be there.[/spoiler]

I wonder if the bagpipes played over the teaser for next week’s episode mean a main cast member is going to die.

Not that this necessarily means anything, but isn’t Sun’s dad connected to the Hanso Foundation in some way? Maybe there’s more to it than Keamy was told.

I imagine the next episode will give some backstory/a flashsideways of the Scotsman. Last we saw him in the original timeline, Eloise was stalking the Humes at the ER and claiming that she didn’t know what was going to happen afterwards…

Had to record, and watching later. Making some comments as I go…

So who’s watching Locke’s camp in green-vision goggles? Looks like they can hear the camp, too.

Ah, so they aren’t married in the side-flashes. And Jin seems to know a bit of rudimentary English? Or perhaps just a few words, needed for interacting with hotel clerks or something, for travel.

Sayid: I’m annoyed, because I’m indifferent. Or maybe I’m indifferent that I’m annoyed. I don’t know. Life is confusing now…

Do we really need that “V: They return 0:56:13…” counter in the bottom of the screen through the whole LOST episode? That’s annoying.

Widmore’s people making a sneak attack to grab Jin? What do they need Jin for? Mr. Paik have a deal with Widmore or something?

Miles: “Unless Alpert’s covered in bacon grease, I’m not sure Hurley can track anything.” HAHAHA. Miles is getting the good lines this season.

Sun ran into a tree and knocked the English right out of her! hahaha

Wow, FLocke looked angry when he said, “Where is Jin?!”

So Widmore’s people locked Jin in the psychadelic room, where Alex’s little boyfriend Karl was being punished for liking her? That seems to be an odd move.

“Relax, you’re safe. Well, except for whenever I taser you.”

“We went to a lot of trouble getting you here off of the other island”…? Is Room 23 on the Hydra Island, then? I thought it was somewhere on the main island. (But wasn’t Locke’s camp still on the main island, NEAR the shore across from Hydra?)

Ah, so they want him because he worked for Dharma in his time travels?

heh… Flocke: Hey Claire… Once I’m done with Kate, you can do whatever you like to her. Claire has become such a sweet girl now…

So Kate’s name is not on the wall any more. Guess she’s not one of the 6 remaining candidates. According to FLocke.

Flash-sideways version of Martin Keamy seems to have a little John Travolta in Grease mannerism about him – especially how he moves his mouth when he talks.

Ben: “She was already unconscious when I found her. Why won’t you believe me?”
Ilana: “Because you’re speaking.”

Best damn line of the night.

Miles: “This is your fault, isn’t it?”
Hurley: “Sorta…”


So is Widmore’s purpose really to keep Smokey from getting loose? Because I’m not totally convinced he’ll be eager to join forces with Ilana and her group (even though they definitely have that same purpose).

Widmore wants to show Jin his package!!! Bow chicka wow-wow!

The package is a who… so who? Aaron? Jin Yeon? Desmond? The Incredible Hulk? Godzilla? Godzilla vs. Smokey?

Oh, I didn’t even realize when they first brought in the “translator” in the flash-sideways. It’s Mikhail – Eye-Patch! And Sayid’s shot didn’t put Keamy out for good? He should have listened to Johnny Caspar… (“Somethin’ I try to teach my boys. Always put one in the brain!”).

Did the dude’s shot hit Sun somewhere? Her hand is bloody – did it just hit her hand, or somewhere more vital? Couldn’t tell from the camera angle they threw at us.

So Locke really took Sayid over there to send him on a “let’s find out what’s on the sub in the secret room” mission.

So it’s Desmond! Is he somehow the key to defeating Smokey?

Because Ben once admitted to Locke that it was just a metaphor. (Admittedly, Ben was speaking… as pointed out by Ilana tonight). And in Locke’s daddy’s story, he was driving on the interstate in Tallahassee, then got run into the dividing wall (BTW, I live in Tallahassee, and the interstate does not have a dividing wall – except during the recent construction that was adding a lane – and those were just the low construction walls) – and when he woke up, he was on the island.

Implication seemed to be that the Others (who were easily able to send agents to the mainland at the time) crashed his car, nabbed him, and brought him to the island on the sub.

You don’t need to spoiler that – it was on the episode.

When Jin was wrestling with Mikhail over the gun (in the kitchen), Mikhail fired the gun twice while Jin was gripping his arm – Jin was out of the path of the shot. Then Jin got the gun and shot Mikhail as he grabbed the knife. My guess is that if one of them hit Sun, it was one of the first two shots, fired by Mikhail – not the ones fired by Jin.

I think he wanted to distract them so that Sayid could get to the submarine. He might have been interested in checking out their set up.

And if he went in with a dynamite then they probably would have shot him up. I don’t know how far he can walk up the beach while taking machine gun fire.

Actually, they were not husband/wife in the flash-sideways timeline. He was just doing her. But you’re right, it seems odd to send him to the U.S. to get whacked, when surely he has henchmen in Korea who could do it cheaper.

I don’t think Smoky ever expected to get Jin back. I think the whole meeting with Widmore on the beach was just a distraction, so that he could achieve his real purpose – dropping Sayid off at Hydra undetected. Get everybody looking at Locke in plain view on the beach, helping Sayid get closer to Hydra without being seen.

But yeah, those fenceposts on tripods didn’t look that sturdy. Unless the sonic effect creates a radius around them, it would be easy to mess with one of them at the legs.

If you think that Jacob is good, one way to reconcile this with what has happened in the show is if you believe that Ben was not working for Jacob and was manipulated somehow into working for the Locke-ness Monster. Reasoning: Ben’s (ostensibly) never spoken to Jacob, his contact to Jacob (Richard) has been shown to include a conflict of interest and a crisis of faith, and he banished Widmore, who claims to want to keep Locke-ness Monster on the island.

Boy, this series still has a lot of unanswered questions with only 7 episodes left. My wife and I have been debating how this can all get wrapped up in a satisfying manner. In the best case scenario, all of the plot lines will converge on some sort of resolution that renders that the unaddressed details are so unimportant that the average viewer can let them go for the sake of the larger picture. I am sceptical that this can be pulled off, but I am open to the possiblilty.
The way I see this all playing out is a three-way showdown between the Jacobites (Faith), the MiB follower/quasi-Philoites (pre-Darwinian Science), and Charles Widmore’s crew (post-Darwinian Science, I hope). In my estimation, the philosophical gamesmanship that has occurred between Jacob and the MiB is lost in a world that is in not informed by post-Enlightenment revelations of science and discovery that Charles Widmore might represent. The mystical, while still mysterious even to the modern-age castaways, is a diversion that sidetracks us from seeing the real truths about human nature and evolution (on both species and individual levels). I am hoping that Widmore provides that out for a morally unresolved yet satisfyingly realistic resolution to the series. Then again, i may not have the same worldview as the writers and will most likely get burned for thinking that a HDTV world can live with such a multi-hued resolution.

This is a stretch, but maybe Mr. Paik wanted to strand Sun in the US–disowning her, perhaps?

Agree about the subterfuge with Widmore on the beach. Wonder if they know that bullets can’t harm Locke-ness Monster.

If Locke-ness Monster can’t/doesn’t want to come up with creative ways to penetrate the Dharma Barracks sonic fence (like throwing large objects at the pylons), it’s at least logically consistent that he can’t/doesn’t want to get around the Hydra Island sonic fence.

Several points of my own now:
[li]In the original time line, Sun was going to run away from Jin. In the flashsideways, Sun was going to run away with Jin. Sounds good from Sun and Jin except for the bullet to the abdomen (uterus?). This once again brings our attention to the splitting of the original/flashsideways timelines…[/li][li]Love the tie-in between Sun’s cut on her head in the original timeline and Jin’s cut on his head in the flashsideways (which both occurred by accident). Definitely makes me more intrigued about Jack’s scrape on his neck in the season premiere (which was already piqued by Jack’s appendectomy scar). [/li][li]Sun gets pregnant off-island. Is Jin no longer shooting blanks in the flashsideways? Apparently, whatever event split the timelines has the power to affect the function of individual organs :)[/li][li]On an unrelated note, it’s curious that Widmore controls the plane and submarine, Richard wants to blow up the plane, Locke-ness Monster is interested in both the plane/submarine (and Locke has blown up a sub before), and Sawyer is only interested in the submarine. Wonder why Widmore hasn’t blown up both already.[/li][/ol]

Can someone give me a little mini-refresher on what’s been going on with Desmond? I mean, I know he’s been AWOL in the show for a while, but I’m having trouble remembering where we saw him last and what he was doing, etc.

On another note, I think that the idea of using the plane to get off the island is, to quote Sawyer, “ridiculous.” It crash-landed on a sandy beach, the windshield is busted…and it just seems completely stupid to me that a smoke monster would need a plane to escape the island, anyway. I mean, if he can use a plane, it seems like he could use a boat, and there have been plenty of boats that have landed on the island over the years. OK, sure, maybe that’s all just a smokescreen (ha) for the fact that he needs all of the “candidates” to go with him, or to die, or whatever, but you’d think someone would call bullshit on the whole, “Let’s fly the plane to freedom” plan.

Although, I don’t know, I guess if your nominal leader is someone who can transform into a column of black smoke and eat people, you go along with whatever they say.

I’m sure this has been asked/answered, but if MIB can’t leave the island without outside help, why would Jacob ever bring people to the island risking MIB’s possible escape? Is it that bit about proving to MIB that people are good? Can MIB bring people to the island? (First question is moot, if so).

I understand why Mr. Paik would want Jin to deliver the money for the hit. There’s something poetically evil about it. But Paik is an international businessman, surely, surely he would have known that you can’t bring that kind of money into the country without proper paperwork. Sending the guy to a hitman without the cash is just sloppy. Hit men don’t kill for free.

There’s only 6 (7?) maybe hours left. I don’t think they’re going to pull it off.

Yeah, for a while during the episode, I thought they were going with the idea that Mr. Paik deliberately sent Jin with the $25k in cash, knowing that it would be confiscated at customs, because that would make Keamy kill Jin anyway. Not that that makes a whole lot more sense than what they actually went with.

I felt vaguely disappointed with last night’s episode but I’m not sure why.

If we buy into the idea that the candidates are a collective stopgap for Jacob, then the MiB couldn’t leave unless Jacob went with him, which Jacob would never do. Jacob may be less than thrilled with eternal boredom and so keeps bringing people to the island to replace him. Viable candidates are known as, uh, “candidates.” heh, those Lost writers sure are clever.

If MIB can’t leave without Jacob (or his replacement) maybe he has changed tact slightly. Instead of figuring out who Jacob’s replacement will be, he’s trying to get all of them to leave with him or kill each other off.

I’m sure this is not the last time I’ll say this, but now I am confused. So clearly, Widmore is Anti-Smokey, which would put him on the side of Jacob. So why did he come to the island on the freighter to kill everyone, including the Others? Why this rivalry with Ben, who was also an Other, and presumably on Jacob’s side? Does the Ben/Widmore rivalry ultimately have nothing to do with the Jacob/Smokey rivalry?

I am thinking tha last. Widmore told Flocke that he only knew of him from stories and legends…he probably only took him into consideration at all in his persona as the smoke monster, hence the pylons. I think Widmore’s rivalry is with Ben.