is telling me I should be receiving some of the lovely white stuff tonight into tomorrow as a mix in Baltimore, and the skies are certainly looking foreboding enough.
More to the point, who’s the person in charge of deciding whether classes are cancelled tomorrow, and how much would I have to bribe him or her?
I was supposed to go to Phila. this weekend but told my Mom not to expect me. Even if it’s just “messy” and not “ghastly,” who needs to trudge through that?
Around here (Knoxville, TN), they keep having to tell us that the Smokies have gotten anywhere from 4-8 inches. And they’re claiming potential snow showers Friday night/Saturday morning - so that I’ve been told to call my boss if for some reason I can’t make it in Saturday morning (yeah, whatever. Roads are way too warm - even if we get snow, the temperature’s still going to be too high for it to stick to the roads or do anything but look pretty on the grass.)
I know I’m not a MAD, but that’s what they’re saying. I just wanted to pretend I was somewhere fun for a minute, ok?
In Foggy Bottom, in the District. we’ve been getting flurries for just over an hour now. No accumulation or anything, but it’s still a good time for this San Antonio native.
Basically, it’s coming up from the SW. Places like Asheville, Wytheville, and Roanoke have gotten 4-5 inches of snow. Away from the mountains, it’s more of a mix.
Saw a few (snow)flakes here in Suitland this afternoon, but nothing that counted for anything.
Here in Arlington, VA, just across the river from Georgetown, I saw some light flurries this afternoon. I haven’t checked the window again, so I don’t know what it is doing now.
Ha. Forget bribes. Practically takes a personal memo from God to cancel classes at some universities. Mine included. Especially the last day of fall semester classes, unfortunately.
Anyway, there’s not a flake in the sky here in my patch of western Pennsylvania. It’s supposed to materialize later tonight and start accumulating tomorrow with maybe 6 inches by Saturday. Blah. I need to find my scarf.
They cancel classes for ANYTHING down here in Baltimore - we’re south of the Mason-Dixon Line, you know, so when it starts snowing people completely forget how to walk, drive, work, and everything else.
Or, at least, that’s how it seems to someone who grew up in New England getting half hour delays in the morning for stuff that would paralyze the city here
Damn. Obviously, I picked the wrong university. They’ve canceled classes once here in recent memory – back in February when there was a big storm over Presidents Day weekend. Other than that? None.
And Baltimore is farther south than here. I forgot about that. It’s normally north of me, as I’m from Tennessee. In that case, you definitely won’t need a memo from God. The universities at home close all the time when it snows more than a half-inch or so.
I noticed that, too–I lived in Bawlmer for six years, and every single year there’d be an inch or so of snow, and every single year everyone ran around screaming in a total panic.
Nothing here at present. Now that I’ve hustled home to get the tractor & snowblower out of the shed and into the garage, fueled and ready, nothing will happen.
It’s snowing here in Baltimore! I’m from California so this is the first time I’ve had a real fresh snowfall. I was so excited that I ran out in slippers. Snow is FUN. Well ask me again in a few weeks.