Mafia: Evil Dead - DAY/NIGHT THREE


A crowd shoves CHUCARA out the cabin door; he stumbles down the steps as SOMEONE steps forward from the crowd.

And stay out, Deadite Scum!

The slam the door. CHUCARA looks around in terror, then runs to the door and begins hammering on it frantically.

Guys? Hey guys? Come on, this isn’t funny, guys! It’s getting dark out here. I’m not dead, guys, I’m really… not… dead.

POV - CHUCARA - a branch moves off to one side

CUT TO - CHUCARA’s terrified face.

*And then CHUCARA is off and running, blindly into the forest. Why? Your guess is as good as mine, but if he just sat on the porch and waited until dawn, we wouldn’t be able to up the movie’s body count, now would we? Hand-held camera Shaky-CamTM ensues, until CHUCARA bursts free from the trees, and into a field of dirt. He looks around.

POV - CHUCARA - A bulldozer, cranes - it is a construction site.

CHUCARA sighs; he is safe! He looks up. A construction crane is holding a large sheet of glass high above him.*

That’s strange. Why is there a construction crew in the middle of the woods, and why are they suspending a random piece of sheet glass at an unsafe angle directly above a place into which unsupervised civilians might walk? That seems almost comically improbable.

We hear SHOUTS FROM OFF, as the crane improbably releases its improbable load, which plunges toward CHUCARA.

Oh sh -


CHUCARA, a Beta Redshirt, has been lynched.


The group is gathered near the garage. They hear laughter from within. It is BUFFTABBY, still pinned to the garage wall.

I sense death! You fools! The one called CHUCARA was one of your own, and now you have destroyed him - much as we will soon destroy all of you! Now can someone please let me down? I’ve had to pee since -

But her words are cut off by a strange flame that begins to consume her, beginning at her feet. Within seconds, there is nothing left of what used to be BUFFTABBY but some skanky ashes.

BUFFTABBY is now 100%, totally, and completely dead.

Night Three begins now, and will end at around 4:00PM EST on Tuesday, January 6. The vote count stands as follows:

amrussell (1) - pedescribe
Cookies (1) - brewha
Almost Human (1) - total lost