Mafia Reunion - Day One

Well, isn’t that all fuzzy-huggy?

As far as I’m aware, I don’t know you from Adam and vice-versa, but if that was a reason for suspicion over and above anyone’s actual actions, this would be a lot more contentious of a first day.

So that’s yet another anti-town behavior (especially in a game this large). You admit as much as it’s not particularly effective in post 550. Yeah, my vote stays.

Suburban Plankton is doing some yeoman’s work on analysis, and both of his points in 541 are good catches as well.

From my POV, it’s the third thing added in that sealed it. “Scum would never do this thing that I’ve done”. I’ve got a very knee-jerk reaction to someone trying to explain to me what scum would and wouldn’t do, since it proves approximately nothing.

And I’m the cool hippie uncle with the backpacker guitar who smells vaguely like cigars and booze.

Regarding this, I feel like we’re going to have some weird expectations given how just mind-bogglingly huge this game is. I am personally reading and thinking a couple of hours a day and I’m finding that it’s an effort to keep up!