Magic powers you apparently have

Who is that? Look out for those quite ones I say. :ghost:

I evidently have this to some degree. I remember one time when I was in grad school when someone came in, looked around, didn’t see anyone (I was the only one there), sat down at the desk opposite mine (which faced mine – so he would be looking straight at me, if he simply looked straight ahead), found a notepad, and started writing a note. I coughed, and he jumped. It was the first time he realized I was there.

I can’t count the number of times my wife has walked into the room and not noticed me.

Back in USAF we had an intel officer like that. His actual job wasn’t spy-ish at all; more like a librarian of the secret books and telegrams.

But he could come and go at will without being noticed. We’d be 4 folks eating lunch at a square table with him one of them. By the end of the meal he’d disappeared while sitting in plain sight within arm’s reach. It was magic.

But damn would he have been preternaturally good as a clandestine spy.

I’m not quite that good. But people definitely don’t recognize me/remember having met me before, even if they’ve met me multiple times. We met some friends of the family for dinner once. No one except the waiter noticed me or spoke to me.

Except survey people. I am a survey magnet; especially at Disney Parks. I even got hit up to take a survey at the luggage carousel at Fiumicino.

I’ve said for years I’m invisible. When meal plans, movie choices and fun entertainments are discussed no one ever notices me. It’s like I’m not even there.

Let them need cash for these things and I’m real popular.

I can tear/rip paper (and some other materials) in a straight line.

I can find my way back to anywhere I have ever been once.

I can hear almost anything in my head if I’ve heard it once before.

I can still tear/rip paper (and some other materials).

I can find my way back to anywhere I have never been.

I can almost hear anything in my head if I’ve heard it once before.

I can reliably put a t-shirt on backwards in the dark. You’d think it’d be 50-50, i.e. half the time I’d put the shirt on correctly, and half the time I’d put it on backwards. But nope, it almost always goes on backwards the first time. I could earn a handsome salary as some kind of textile sorter in a dark room.


I get up pre-dawn and much earlier than my wife most days. Getting dressed in the dark brings some challenges. As Bill Cosby once said while he was one of the good guys, “Did you ever try to feel the difference between a black and a brown sock?”

I have a similar ability with finding the long side of a bedsheet. Either I can transpose the long dimension and the short dimension merely by attempting to put a sheet on my bed, or the theory that a rectangle has two short sides and two long sides needs to be revisited. Quantum mechanics is at work here since this is not a certainty. But it’s more than 50/50.

I once heard somebody describe that as a “50/50/90 situation”. You’ve got a 50/50 shot at getting it right, so of course 90% of the time you get it wrong.

Sounds about right from my experience. :wink:

My mere presence can apparently cause disasters to strike, especially earthquakes. I was personally responsible for the 1964 Alaska quake and the 1976 Guatemala quake. I also caused the crash of AA625 in St. Thomas, VI in 1976. Two disasters in one year! Then there were the forest fires here in OR last summer and the biggest ice storm in Oregon history this past winter. It’s a talent that is not appreciated by many.

I also have the Power of Sentience. I can walk into a room that is completely empty except for the one item I am looking for, and I won’t be able to see it, regardless of whether it is just sitting there or is playing the accordion while tapdancing. I’m convinced that this is because my Ability has caused the object to suddenly acquire sentience and is then able to deploy a masking device.

Standard practice for inserting a USB-A plug is to try one way (and fail), flip it and try the other way (and fail again), and then flip it and try it the first way again, this time with success. I have heard this offered as proof that USB-A connectors exist in four dimensions.

I can fill a completely empty room with people in a matter of seconds. To successfully perform the incantation, all I have to do is fart.

My wife and I apparently have the ability to precipitate people standing around into lines. We’ve frequently noticed that no line exists until we start standing at the front of it.

I can do the queue stopping thing.
And i can make people veer into my ‘lane’ when walking along the pavement/sidewalk.

This spell is especially effective in elevators.

Ha :slight_smile:

Two of my teeth are very close together; if I try to insert the corner of a piece of paper between them I can’t. But the skin of a popcorn kernel, while seemingly much thicker, goes in there without a problem. People whose teeth are touching each other and need braces to separate them should just eat popcorn.

We need those stories, please!

I always apologize for this to the people I’m in line with.
Annnd then, voila, the shopper in front of me tries to pay with Danish kronar, then their credit card is declined (“Oh, it’s from Kharazystan, but it should work…”), and wait, they think maybe they have a couple of Susan B. Anthony dollars somewhere…

For your reading enjoyment , I give you . . .