Mainline Your Porn Addiction

New high speed data transfer, breaks the 100gig/sec mark.

Sweet Jebus! Can you imagine? I bet most folks would never leave the house if they had this! :cool:

My eyeballs are bleeeeeeding… :cool:

I’m confused by the 3 full DVDs a second. It seems like it’s a bit more than that. 101 GB a second? Your average DVD is about 8.5 GB. So 101/8.5 is just under 12 DVDs a second. Not that it really needs this to be more impressive. I wonder how long it’ll be until we have this technology in our own homes?

A DVD is 8 gigabytes, while this was 100 gigabits, so maybe more like 1 or 2 full DVDs per second.

I want it.

Ahh… Gigabits! :smack: I missed that.

Man… but that would be so pointless for porn streaming. 2 DVDs a second??? That would mean that you’d spend a couple of hours watching what you downloaded in a second. Maybe if you could put all of that extra bandwidth into a vibrator or something…

Yeah, and you could also complete your collection of Grateful Dead bootlegs by downloading them off of eMule at the same time.

Hot damn! And thought a T-1 was fast.

your wish is my command … i think :eek:

http:// www dot sinulate dot com / product-info dot html

Um, not entirely worksafe at all…so you have to work to make this into a link …

Damn it! I had that idea once, tried to get a friend who had the necessary connections to bankroll the idea but the bastard wouldn’t do it. :mad:

Maybe it could be used for Holoporn, or downloading hours of porno directly into one’s brain, or something.

Either of those cases, you might as well name the thing “FINAL PRODUCT OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION.”

Hey, we’ll have to add it to the “Drake Equation”—chances of an alien civilization becoming extinct or hopelessly introverted after the invention of MegaPorn.

It explains Fermi’s Paradox pretty well, too. :eek:

yawn… seen that :stuck_out_tongue:

I meant just having a really big cable that you could run all that bandwidth through… I know if someone were running 3 DVDs a second through me, I’d vibrate. This could be the future of vibrators, though. No more batteries! Just add a super-high-speed internet connection! hum


“So, what’d you do last night?”

“'Eh, I downloaded the web.”

“Oh, downloaded some stuff off the web, huh? Get anything good?”

“Nonono…you misunderstood…I downloaded the web”.

“Mmmmmmm…million times faster porn…”

Or was it gigabutts? How many bits in a naked butt jpeg?

I’m betting that their 3 DVDs per second figure was based on regular DVD-5s, which are 4.7Gig. Three of those would be pretty close to 100GBits.

Sweet mother of Og! I want!

I wonder how long it’ll be before this kind of tranfer speed becomes affordable for regular users.

It’ll probably happen around the same time that DVDs are surpassed by something requiring a lot more data so that the time to download a movie will remain constant.