Make Up Your Own Fox Reality Show!

I’d sign up to play this one, actually. And I hate reality TV.

Well, it has a better possibility of going to series, at least. The other one was more of a one-off special. :smiley:

Contestants from all over are lured to this show by the $10M prize. Contestants are carefully typed to see who their organs would match. There is a second set of participants who are people in need of an organ donation, matching the first group.

The contestants go through daily life, and the audience sees how they behave, and periodically they interact with the group needing the organs. Every week, the TV audience (via mail or the internet) votes for one contestant to donate an organ to save the life of one of the second group. This continues, until there is only one contestant left to claim the prize money.

A group of network programmers or prospective programmers meet each week. They discuss shows on all the current networks, which ones they would keep, which they would drop, which they would reschedule, and why. They each pitch a new show idea each week. Every week, the TV audience votes one of them out. The winners at the end are hired by the network to do their programming!

Special rule: Any contestant who proposes (or wants to keep, or has ever proposed in their life) a reality TV show, automatically leaves that week to become a contestant on CalMeacham’s Executed By America.


Each week a real prisoner in a real prison has to tunnel out of his cell, crawl thru a sewer and then blend back into society.

Anyone who can elude capture for one full year is given a check for 1 million dollars, a Cadillac Escalade and a full pardon.

Maybe that could be incorporated into the whole Interceptor concept. I’m sure the Russian penal system could use the money from the networks…