Mama, I'm coming home

I decided today that I’m going to move back to my mom and dad’s house. I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I finally made up my mind. I’m doing it for a few different reasons, mostly because of my mom’s illness and I don’t know how long she’ll be here. I want to be here to help her as much as I can. My parents are really worried about me right now and they don’t think that I should really be living alone, so they want me to come back for a while too.

Living here means less privacy, more noise, less room, less internet time, etc. But it also means more friends, more going out and, generally, a happier life for me because I’ll get to hang out with my brothers and all their cute friends. :smiley:

I don’t really know if this is the best thing for me. I haven’t lived with my family in about 4 years. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll have to leave again. Oh well. Anyway, I’m planning on going to my house tomorrow to get my stuff. I bet I change my mind before then.

wow, seems like a board trend here.

Good luck Silver.

Oh Silver, I really hope you will not be so far from us! I really like you and like talking to you! :frowning:

Good luck with moving back - I know that must be a very hard decision to make. If you have to take a hiatus from chat, don’t worry - we’ll keep it warm for you!

All my best,



Good luck.

Good luck! You could always do like I do and move close to them. :slight_smile:


Good luck! Try to have fun…

Likewise, Una. Thank you.

Anyway, I’ll still be in chat, and I’ll still be posting. Just not quite so much because I have to fight 5 other people for computer time. :slight_smile: (I guess I can say good bye to my “Official FEMALE Chat Addict, 2001” title, eh?)

Good luck! :slight_smile:


Kick their butts!!! :smiley:

Good luck Silver, and remember if things get too bad you can drop a note or come into chat, you have lots of friends here


silver fire, you have made a good decision. as we have seen lately on this board, life is uncertain. i’m glad that you have decided to spend more time with your mom. i keep you, your mom, and your family in my thoughts and prayers. i hope all goes well with all of you living together. it will be a bit tough going in the beginning, patience and love will get you through. it sounds like y’all have the love part well covered from the posts you have written. keep us updated, we do care.

I hope things will go better for you. Your mom is here in Minnesota also, right?

Take care.

I’m with ya on this one, Silver… as mentioned before, I just did the same thing this weekend. Best of luck with it.

Silver honey~

I know you have put a lot of thought into this, and I think that for now this may be the right thing for you to do.

You and your mom are, as always, in my thoughts and prayers. Don’t lose my email address, okay? I am here for you if you need to talk.


But please stick around as much as you can, okay? The place wouldn’t be the same without you!


We’ll miss you, Miss Tique, but I think you’re doing the right thing. I hope all goes well.

Hey Silver,
It may seem like moving back home will suck right now, but you are doing the right thing. You’ll be happy in the long run, knowing you were there for your parents during a very hard time for all of you. It is a very noble thing you are doing, and just try to remember your reasons for doing it when the going gets tough.
I was in a similar situation last year. I had gotten married in October, and in January there was an illness in my family that required me to go back to NYC and live with my grandmother for 2 months. It wasn’t permanent, but it was tough. It was hard to go to bed alone every night in my old bed, in my old room, and I was sad that I wasn’t able to be with my husband. The only thing that kept me going was the knowledge that I was doing the right thing, and that, as an adult, I was ablr to help those who had helped me as a child.
Be strong, Silver, and just remember I’ll be here for you if you need someone to talk to.

Silo, I don’t actually think I could make myself hit my own mom. :slight_smile: I could handle my siblings though.

Odie, as always you’ve reminded me that so many people here care. I know. :slight_smile: Expect email from me. (This goes for a lot of you, too.)

Rocking chair, I’ll be sure to keep you all updated. Provided I can actually have time on the computer. :smiley:

Spider Woman, yep, she’s in Minnesota. About a 25 minute drive from my house.

Rasa, I said it in your thread and I’ll say it again. If it makes you happy, you know? Good luck to you, too.

Scotti, thank you so much. I won’t lose your email address, and you can definitely expect something. And thanks, as always, for thinking about us. You’re a really great friend. :slight_smile:

Montfort, want a picture of me? :wink:

Blu, I always like it when people tell me their stories so I know I’m not alone with all this. Thanks for doing that. :slight_smile:

Okay, I’m off to #straightdope for a while. :smiley:
