Lord, those are great, I’d never heard them! Also pre-1930, by the sound of 'em. Keep them coming! Next we’ll start in with “The boy stood on the burning deck” parodies . . .
[Hijack]I can’t recall where I heard them (though I definitely encountered them post-1990), nor can I say that I know of any “The boy stood on the burning deck” parodies. I’d be interested to see what you’re talking about.[/Hijack]
Mary had a little sheep.
It went to bed with her to sleep.
The sheep turned out to be a ram,
And Mary had a little lamb!
Mary had a little lamb,
She tied it to a pylon.
10,000 volts went up its ass
And turned its wool to nylon.
Mary had a little lamb
a little pork, a little jam,
a little egg, a little toast,
some pickles, and a great big roast,
an ice cream soda topped with fizz
and boy how sick our Mary is.
Mary had a little lamb,
She also had a duck.
She took it 'round the corner
To teach it how to
Fry some eggs for breakfast
Fry some eggs for tea
The more you eat
The more you drink
The more you have to
Peter had a boat
The boat began to rock.
Up jumped Jaws and bit off his
Cocktails, ginger ale,
40 cents a glass.
If you don’t like them,
Shove it up your
Ask no questions,
Tell no lies,
I saw the Boogey Man doing up his
Flies are bad, mosquitos are worse
And this is the end of my nutty little verse.
I plan on teaching that to all of my friends’ kids one day. I’m starting with my cousins.