I thought of messaging you, but figured other people would like to know how your doing too. Can you update us on your recovery?
I just sent him an email to let him know about this thread.
I do have an email from a few weeks ago but I’ll let him fill everyone in.
I hope he can update us.
I’m sorry about the lack of updates. I don’t really have much of an excuse other than I haven’t been on the boards much lately, and honestly there wasn’t too much to report on. Well, until recently. It’s awesome to see you guys keeping tabs on me, it makes me feel happy when I’ve been nothing but stressed out.
OK, update time.
The wound on my ankle has finally closed. Thank goodness! It’s healed up and now I have to deal with dry skin, haha. The pain in my ankle/foot is pretty much non-existent, save for some nerves firing off on occasion.
May 24 is when I was supposed to presumably start putting weight on my leg; however, without a new x-ray and permissions from my doctor, that won’t be happening, so I should be getting that x-ray within the next couple weeks.
The depression phase is setting in again, and it’s starting to get to me. Still, I have my cat with me for a while, so some pettings and purrings is helping.
Especially when I meow to her pitifully and she meows back.
Now for other news, which I only recently learned, so now I have a real update as I’m sure many have been wondering:
The lady who hit me has pleaded guilty. I will not have to be going to court. I am not sure when her sentencing will be. I have not even met her yet, I do not know what she looks like. I have not confronted her, and I don’t know if I even want to. It’s an…unusual feeling I have, whether I want to or not. I hear she may get a year in jail (that’s it? really?) and if not, well, I don’t know.
Civil side is disappointing to me, now. I had a meeting with my lawyer, and after all the insurance is done, if we can somehow get the max of insurance money from them and my insurances, and after all fees are taken care of…
I’ll only have 200k at most, and that’s being generous.
That’s it.
That’s all my suffering and hardship and pain and agony has been worth. We all agree on this end at home that with everything that’s happened my case is worth more. Much more.
If we decide to sue instead of me taking the money, (he said not to worry about it right away, let him work on it and deal with it), then it’s a crapshoot. We’d win of course, but if she ends up declaring bankruptcy or hiding her cash somewhere or leaving the country, I’d get nothing. So in the end it’s either take the low amount or sue and possibly end up with a piece of legal paper saying, “Hey, you won! You can get this much”, but in the end have nothing.
The decision is still far in the future. All I know is, after that meeting, I felt weight and depression hit me like a sack of bricks. I’m starting to see why people are upset more often than not at the justice system. Her sentence may very well not be much at all befitting the crime, who knows, and my overall settlement will be (A) pitiful, (B) awesome, or (C) nothing.
And not to mention that my TDI cheques will soon be stopping AFAIK.
Overall I’m just very…disappointed. I was hopeful, and I suppose I still am with the fact I have some plans of my own, now.
I’ve decided, when all is said and done, to go back to college. I have a talent in writing, I have been told on more than one occasion I am good enough to be published. I was never able to take creative writing here on Maui, so now I plan on studying abroad and taking creative writing somewhere else.
Also, my stepdad has said he will help me invest my money wisely to make an overall profit, which remembering at times helps a bit.
And also…buy a kickass computer.
So yes, in the end, I am recovering save for the fact my leg is still pretty much turned to the side due to muscle weakness and such, and the justice system is in motion, just a bit disappointing.
Once again, I’m sorry for the lack of updates, I’ll try to be around more.
Thanks for the update. I know your in the limbo time when nothing you want settled is settled and it doesn’t seem like it ever will be. It will be though. Keep working at your part in the recovery and don’t give up. You can improve.
Apply for SSDI-now. It will take a while go get through the process and they might deny it the first time but you should get it eventually. Start getting together hospital/doctor records, they will want them.
I had to make the same choice regarding court vs. insurance, I took the insurance as there was little financial gain to be had from court plus the higher lawyer fee for going to court.
Hit the physical therapy HARD HARD HARD. This is your time to gain the most as your leg recovers.
Hang in there.
Thank you for the update.
Now that we have an update, can some of us (i.e. me) be filled in on the beginnings of this?
He was hit by a drunk driver.
Thanks for the update, I’d been wondering how you were doing. I was wishing this was on the way to being an awful memory already, sounds like you’re getting there slowly but surely.
Congratulations on the going back to school plan, sounds great.
I’m glad she pled guilty, at least, although it does seem like a paltry pitiful amount that you might get. How’s the coworker who was also in the accident doing?
I second the recommendation to put all you can into physiotherapy. I found water based exercise really really good when I was dealing with a badly broken leg. best wishes for you’re recovery and thanks to Harmonious Discord for starting it.
Thank you everyone, it’s so nice to see you guys are still pulling for me.
Right now I’m on a break from rehab, since they’re remodeling the place. They’re being turned into an independent clinic, as before they were associated with The Rehabilitation Center of the Pacific. I’ll look into SSDI too, Pat, thanks!
And since I broke a cardinal rule earlier by not showing a picture of my cat when first mentioning her, here she is:
I’ve had her since I was in the fifth grade, she’s pushing 17 now and still very healthy. No signs of slowing down for her yet.
Beautiful tortie!
I missed your story the first time around. Glad to hear you’re getting better. Good luck figuring out what to do on the financial settlement.
An update for the thread.
Good News: I was thirsty, I was focused. I went up stairs.
Ya rly!
I was sitting in bed as usual, and suddenly had an urge to try and get back into the main house, as right now I’m staying in a guest room attached to the garage. I’ve been putting a little weight on my leg by this point, doctor’s clearance be damned. It’s been nearly 6 months, and it’s felt fine. So.
With my friend keeping an eye on me, I went to the stairs leading up to the house, and took it one step at a time, keeping my weight mostly on the rail and my good leg. After some effort, I was soon sitting in the living room. Soon afterward my auntie came over for a visit, saw me in the house, screamed, and ran over to hug me for maybe a full minute. It was a nice surprise to everyone.
Going back down the stairs a while later was harder. I ended up going down backwards. …and at times on my hands and knees. Hey, whatever works. Progress!
Bad News: UHA (my health insurance) is denying me coverage to be going back to rehab. :mad: We don’t know why, but we’re getting to the bottom of it today. Until then I will be putting some weight on my leg as I walk to strengthen it while those jokers get their act together over there.
Great news!!!
That’s one obstacle out of the way.
Is it workable to move into the main house?
What rehab do you still need to do?
Is it possible for you to do on your own at home or a gym?
Can you drive yourself yet?
Keep on swingin’ Lion!
Keep it up man!
No punk ass drunk driver is gonna keep you down!
Don’t let the bastards get you down.
Calmly ask for the representatives home phone and address and explain you will be living with her ( or him) for at least a couple of years until your legs are better. Hope they like giving sponge baths.
I hate insurance companies.
Congratulations on making it up the stairs and good luck with all the other stuff!
Just take those stairs one step at a time!