Meet in Montréal Sat 15th/Sun 16th June?

Salut, everyone!

I’ll be passing through Montréal on the weekend of the 15th of June, returning from French immersion in Jonquière, to Oshawa. Any chance that some of the Montréal Dopers would be up for a meeting?

Yes. Yes I would. :slight_smile:

Très bon! :slight_smile:

Wish I could, but I’m working that weekend. :frowning: I’ve been looking for a good excuse to pop up to Montreal.

So, last time we had an Ottawa Dopefest it turned out to be the Saturday before Mother’s Day. Guess what June 16th is?

I have my kids that weekend. It’s probably the worst weekend all summer for me to make it to Montreal. Oh well. Enjoy!

This is a possibility. I’ll be in the area visiting family that week so I could go up to Montreal for a day.

Of course I’ll be there. It’s late and I can’t think of a place to go right now but we’ll come up with something fabulous to do.

Leaffan, that’s what happens when youndon’t have parents anymore and you’re not one yourself, you forget those special days. We’ll have to organize another dang!

I’ve only been to Montreal once. Been meaning to visit again, and it’s a manageable drive. What are the entry requirements from the U.S. these days?
Or is this a Canadian-only thing? If it helps, I curl.

The more the merrier. I must defer to actual Montrealers about appropriate places for said merriment, though. :slight_smile:

It looks like I’ll be arriving at the central bus station at 15:45 Saturday afternoon.

You’ll need a passport or your birth certificate. Once you have all those things assembled, you’ll never be asked for them until they’re not at hand.
Also, the correct response to Border Patrol’s asking, “Any drugs or guns?” is not, "“What do you need?”

They searched my Volkswagen bus once and found a gas mask that I forgot was in there, but that was years ago.

My passport is expired, which is why I asked. Think I’ve got a certified copy of the birth cert. around here somewhere.

The first time they asked me, I picked drugs. Apparently that wasn’t the correct answer. So the next time they asked, I picked guns. Turns out that was wrong too. I’m starting to think it’s a trick question.

Because of WHTI a birth certificate won’t cut it I believe. A U.S. citizen will need a passport for land crossings.
I believe G.Bush was stuck in Canada not long ago when he was over for a speech, and forgot his passport then had a hard time getting back home.

According to what I can find online, proof of identity and citizenship are required; so a driver’s license and birth certificate are acceptable.

However, I can’t find my birth certificate. Could y’all just drive down to the border and we can wave at each other through the fence?

Maybe whichever Dopers are going to be around can meet you somewhere at/near the bus station. There are some cool things to see/do around that area, or we can take the metro somewhere.

As Leaffan pointed out, Sunday is Father’s Day so I’ll most likely be spending it with my father. Therefore, a Saturday meeting would be much better if it’s possible.

I was thinking of Saturday afternoon/evening anyways, since I will be leaving on Sunday morning anyways. I need to be back in Oshawa on Sunday evening.

Ouf it never even crossed my mind that it could be Sunday lol

Depending the temperature we could go to old Montreal and stop somewhere for drinks and dinner!

Sunspace, when will you be settled in from your arrival and want to meet?

Somebody local needs to suggest a location.