Missing six year old girl found dead

Six year old Faye Swetlik, who disappeared from her South Carolina front yard on Monday, has been found dead, police announced yesterday. Her body was found near that of an unidentified male. Police are investigating her death as a homicide, but have not announced the cause of her death.

Since this is a breaking news story, I’m not going to engage in speculation and ask other Dopers to do the same until more facts are released.

Then what’s the point of the thread? “Thoughts and prayers?”

Obviously, this is unimaginably terrible, but I don’t see it as fodder for a message board.

So you’re saying this is mundane and pointless? Then I’m in the right forum, aren’t I? If you’re indifferent, don’t post. Other Dopers may feel differently.

Sorry, I honestly ddin’t mean to be a jerk. (although it came off that way) I was truly confused about what there is to say if we’re not speculating on what happened to her. (and I agree with you, no need to do that. We simply don’t know enough)

OK, my apologies. This has been in the national news for several days, so I thought it was of some interest. And I thought it was customary in a breaking news thread not to engage in wild speculation, even though the circumstances of the discovery of her body do seem suspicious. As for thoughts and prayers, I do agree that they’re ineffective, so I didn’t offer any. As for commentary after more facts are released, I welcome it, of course.

The little girl in some of her pictures has the same expression as my little girl. I know it’s irrational, but it hits me pretty hard.

It hits me pretty hard, too, and a I have no children.

I guess I don’t see anything inherently wrong with speculation, so long as you keep an open mind and show respect for the poor dead girl and her grieving family. Anyone dwelling on a case like this for longer than it takes to read the article is *going *to have speculative thoughts.