Mmp mmb mmp

**Kim **- I’m probably having the most fun because I’m retired, so I can be a bum! :smiley: Incidentally, if you live anywhere near southern Maryland, c’mon over and I’ll let you get up to your elbows in clay!

**gotti **- that truly sucks. **FCD **was fired once because a high mucky-muck asked for opinions and **FCD **gave his - honestly and contrary to the cherished beliefs of mucky-muck. Interestingly, a couple of years later, the whole company ceased to exist - a pretty big deal for an international corporation, I’m thinking… Hope DH can find something else soon.

I quit for the day. I’ve got a bunch of pieces drying, two new ones that I just threw, and another that needs to sit in the wet cabinet a couple of days because I put a handle on it and it needs to dry slowly so the parts can fuse completely. I’m hoping that next week, I can do a kilnload and deliver it to the store by the first part of August.

I checked my clay supply - there’s at least 150# of new stuff and maybe another 15# of various reclaimed clay. If the demand keeps up, I’ll have to make a trek to Baltimore for more raw materials. It’s a long ride, but if I go a little farther, I’ll be at my mom’s and she’ll feed me! :smiley: Tho driving 2+ hours for a free meal is kinda pathetic, innit?

So, I guess it’s time to plan something for supper. I hate cooking for just me and I have no leftovers to warm up. I don’t want pizza. If I was inclined to put on non-grubby clothes, I could get sushi, but that’s a lot of effort. It’ll probably be a sammich night. At least there’s ice cream for dessert! :smiley:

I attempted to go to the grocery store a little while ago and got out to the garage before realizing that I had forgotten to put on any shoes. Once I remedied that, I sat confused in my car for several seconds wondering why it wasn’t starting before realizing that I had not yet put the key into the ignition.

It’s been one of those days.

chizzuk what can I say except I’m glad I’m not the only one. :smiley:

MOOOOOOM life is always good as long as there’s ice cream for dessert. That would be purty embroidered on a throw pillow.

‘Life is good’ ice cream sundae bowls, yay!!

Kitty in a bag is easy, since they put themselves head-first into anything remotely resembling one, anyhoo. Once in the car though, they’d be all over the place, which I don’t mind, even though I did once have a tiny kitten slip under the clutch while I was driving like that. But MrTao would have a fit. I’ll let HIM get them moved when the time comes, since he doesn’t like my way. :smiley:
gotpasswords**- Ouch :frowning: Sounds like the whole place is having issues; have him at least get a good reference from his immediate boss, sounds like he would get that for sure.
Spiderman** Thanks for the heads-up on Lowe’s; gonna call them right now and see what’s goin’ on.

Chalk it up to being Monday! It’s all good. Sounds like you have CRAFT: Can’t remember a fucking thing.:slight_smile:

Rosie’s sig to all. Rosie Hope you don’t mind that I use your sig.:slight_smile:

Well howdy Mumpers,
I have been lurking but not saying much, just wanted to pop in and say Hello

That is all


I actually have a file named CRS on my computer, where I put passwords and such, just because I know I won’t remember them all. :stuck_out_tongue:
But it’s been at least two months since I walked out the door with two different shoes on, so I’m getting better!*

*To be fair, it’s the same kind/type/brand/size of shoe, more of a sandal. And they look VERY alike, in the dark closet, in the early morning…

My stepfather is home now and resting. My mom enjoyed her visit with me. I smashed my head on an awning support at a roach coach and now my head is killing me.

I picked up a guy today.

Well, I brought him to the gas station and then back to his truck. His work truck has a broken gas gauge and so he ran out of gas. I knew he had a 2.5 mile uphill walk to the nearest gas station so I gave him a lift. Nice guy.

About two months ago I came home from irk wearing two different black flats. no one noticed or if they did …too bad. I will remember to look in the future but at least they were the same color.

You did good!

Feeling grrrr. No one warned me that babies were easy, compared to teens…

Soapy I am all acurious. Your new job involves babies and teens? :eek:

I had me a BLT and some chawklit brownie ice cream. Life is good.

Not even a teensy bit. Everybody does. In fact, it may be fair to say that my .sig is a MMP Meme.

I really hate summer
Ba daba da dum
Oh, yeah I really hate summer
Ba daba da dum
Cause the humidity
Ba daba da dum
always makes a mess o’ me
Ba daba da dum

Hey! I’m a pop/Broadway songwriter. I can’t write blues.


I was off irk last Firday and was off irk today so it was almost a vacay. I have to go to irk tomorrow though. Ick.

I have a pound of center cut Oscar Mayer bacon in the fridge…

Good job, congodwarf I was helped lots that way over the years, it’s nice to return the favor.

And Butters…Flutterby…Princess…Buttercup_Smith

May I ask how, exactly, you came HOME with two different shoes? :p:p

Hah! My job does not, but my life involves babies who unwittingly became teens!

All’s well… Better to vent to you guys!

Surely, it’s not Soapette who is causing you this grief. She’s so demure and lovely and

nope. sorry. can’t type that with a straight face.

I survived a martini-less conference call. dinner was chili lime chicken thighs, with veggies sauteed in oil and sangria.

soapy, awww. They do grow out of it. Eventually.

Howdy, Capt’n!

Taht sucks, gotti

swampy ,right now I am the adult supervision.:dubious::eek: Scary innit?

Thanks! I just did one better.
I just told my best friend that I’m sick of her telling me what a shitty friend I am and I’m sick of her getting on my case for disappearing for 2 years. Seriously, she has known me since we were 15 and she still doesn’t realize that I’m the same friend I’ve always been and that I went away because I was having a complete breakdown and was suicidal. If she still wants to be my friend after this, we’re going to have to have some ground rules. If not, good riddance to her.