This topic has probably been dicussed before, but movies are somewhat timely…So, what movies does it seem that everyone on earth but you has seen? Particularly those you just never have felt the urge to watch. For the purposes of this thread, let’s limit this to movies already on DVD/VHS not still in the theaters.
I’ve never seen:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The Matrix
When Harry Met Sally
Pretty Woman
Scary Movie
Meet The Parents
American Pie
The Usual Suspects
Gone With The Wind
The Sound Of Music
Silence of The Lambs
It’s A Wonderful Life
Man on The Moon
The Green Mile (good book though)
The Talented Mr Ripley
Saving Private Ryan
Any of the Godfather movies
Water World
Chicken Run
Any of the Alien(s) movies
2001: A Space Odyssey
Any Disney (non-winnie the pooh) movie after 1995
City Of Angels
As Good As It Gets
Waiting To Exhale
Clockwork Orange
I watch tons of movies - at least four a week. But I have never seen:
Any of the Lethal Weapon movies
Any of the Alien movies
Any of the Die Hard movies
Saving Private Ryan
Schindler’s List
Saturday Night Fever
Castaway (but I feel like I did from watching the preview)
Citizen Kane
Dr. Strangelove
Any Mel Brooks movies
Apocalypse Now
The Maltese Falcon
Raging Bull
The Graduate
Sling Blade
That’s enough… for now, anyway. (IMDB rules for stuff like this!)
I watch a lot of movies, but except for the horror and teen movies, no one has seen most of the ones I like(that tread has been done before too, right?) This week I rented Skeletons in The Closet and House of Mirth; I don’t know anyone else who has seen them…
Of all the movies named so far, the only one I haven’t seen is Waiting To Exhale. (I’m assuming that ‘Any Mel Brooks movie’ can be fulfilled by seeing a few of his.)
So, I’ll start emailing you with spoilers for every single one…
I thought if I came in here and said that I’d never seen any of the Godfather movies that everyone would point and laugh. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. Whew!
Of those listed above, I have also not seen:
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Scary Movie
American Pie
Man on The Moon
The Green Mile
The Talented Mr Ripley
Saving Private Ryan
Water World
Chicken Run
City Of Angels
Waiting To Exhale
A Clockwork Orange (Though I did see the part where they’ve got the guy’s eyes pinned open and are forcing him to watch some kind of movies or something. Eww - freaky.)
Dr. Strangelove
Apocalypse Now
Raging Bull
Braveheart (I tried, but it was too violent for me)
Sling Blade
However, most of these I have no interest in seeing, anyway.
Titanic (gasp)
Any Rambo movie
Any Terminator movie
Saving Private Ryan
Scream/I Know What You Did Last Summer/etc.
Erin Brockovich
Yes, I did see some movies this year:
Requiem For A Dream
Himalaya (released earlier as Caravan)
Amores Perros
and last but not least…
Of recent films (last five years), I have seen very few. I like my movies aged and appreciated.
Some major classics I have not yet seen: Battleship Potemkin (although I do actually own a copy of Alexander Nevsky) High Noon
Anything by Kurosawa or Fellini and a lot of other great foreign films (I have a hard time reading subtitles and refuse to watch dubs)
Any classic musical except Guys and Dolls This includes The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Singing in the Rain, and all the rest. The only other musicals I have seen are *Little Shop of Horrors * and the Rocky Horror Picture Show The Producers Surprisingly, I’m a huge Mel Brooks fan and I’ve seen all the rest of his films.
Ditto for Kubrick’s Lolita. I’ve seen everything else post-Spartacus, including Barry Lyndon. Some Like It Hot I never really got the whole MM thing. I don’t consider her a great actress.
I’ve seen nearly everything else on the AFI’s 100.
The Perfect Storm
Scream II & III
Erin Brokovich
Scary Movie
The Blair Witch Project
The Sixth Sense
Face Off
The Mummy (I did see the sequel, however.)
and some classics:
Apocalypse Now
Godfather II & III
Citizen Kane
A Clockwork Orange
Including those posted above, the newer movies I haven’t seen include:
Saving Private Ryan
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
When Harry Met Sally
Pretty Woman
The Green Mile
Scream II
The Mummy and The Mummy Returns
Mission Impossible II
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
Any Disney movie after The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Blair Witch Project
American Beauty (except the last half-hour)
A Clockwork Orange
Silence of the Lambs
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Children of the Corn
Friday the 13th
Any of the Godfather movies
Citizan Kane
2001: A Space Odysey
Blues Brothers
Child’s Play
Monty Python
The above all include any sequels, too; I hate watching a sequel without watching the first part.
I’m sure there’s more; I don’t watch a lot of movies. I didn’t include some of the movies already listed because I didn’t know what era they fall under.
lurker thinks it’s sacrilege that I haven’t seen Animal House or Blazing Saddles. I think it’s sacrilege that he hasn’t seen The Princess Bride or Casablanca. I’m sure there are a lot more out there that we’ll gasp in horror when we find out the other has never viewed, but it hasn’t come up yet.
Of those movies named already, I haven’t seen:
**2001: A Space Odyssey
Any of the Alien(s) movies
American Beauty
American Pie
Amores Perros
Apocalypse Now
As Good As It Gets
Battleship Potemkin
The Blair Witch Project
The Blues Brothers
Chicken Run
Child’s Play
Children of the Corn
Citizen Kane
Clockwork Orange
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Dr. Strangelove
Friday the 13th
Any of the Godfather movies
The Graduate
Guys and Dolls
High Noon
I Know What You Did Last Summer
LA Confidential
The Maltese Falcon
Man on The Moon
Meet The Parents
Mission Impossible II
The Mummy Returns
The Perfect Storm
The Producers
Raging Bull
Any Rambo movie
Requiem For A Dream
Saturday Night Fever
Scary Movie
Schindler’s List
Scream (or any of the sequels)
Singing in the Rain
Sling Blade
Some Like It Hot
The Talented Mr Ripley
Any Terminator movie
The Usual Suspects
Waiting To Exhale
Water World
When Harry Met Sally **
As a general rule, if it’s a horror movie, I don’t watch it. My imagination runs too wild as it is!
I don’t get out much, either. In the last six years, I’ve been to the movie theater less than ten times. So I can say that I’ve seen pretty much nothing released in the last six years. I don’t rent many movies, either. But I did see Sling Blade and Fargo shortly after they were released on video. Watched them both, back to back. Gaaaaaaaaaaaah what an evening! Freaking awesome films, both, but boy, was I exhausted when I got done!
The one that’s jumping in to my head now is Planet of the Apes. Watched a cool history of those films on AMC last night. But I’ve never seen any of them. Not even the first one.
My dad loved gadgetry and bought one of the first VCRs, so I grew up in a house where we watched movies constantly. I have two brothers, so I saw the Star Wars movies, Indiana Jones movies, Karate Kid movies, and a whole host of other 1980s classics I probably wouldn’t have watched on my own.
However, I had never seen Top Gun until I got to college (1995). People seemed to be completely shocked by this. Some friends finally specifically rented it to make me watch it.