My Grandpa died a few years ago, and since then my Aunt has helped my Grandma with managing her money. My Aunt has also divorced since my Grandpa’s death. She was given a huge alimony. Her ex husband got remarried and the alimony stopped. So, now my Dad thinks my Aunt is somehow using my Grandma’s money without telling anyone. He was drinking enough at her Christmas party this past year to confront her about it. It ended with her saying that he is not her brother anymore and we got a cab back to my Dad’s house. They haven’t really talked since. Now, Memorial Day is huge in my family because it was right around my Grandpa’s birthday. My Aunt has decided to hold the party at her house. She wants my Dad to go, but won’t formally ask him and instead texted him. He has ignored it (I know cuz they are group texts) and says he’s not going and that she needs to set things strait with him.
So, my opinion is always going to be with my Dad because he is my rock. However, I answered the text too fast to realize my Dad isn’t going and I promised to go. I don’t really want to go without my Dad.
Another thing… why do all divorcee women go bat crazy? She used to be a good down to earth person, and now its really hard to talk to her and she is wild as hell. I just don’t know what to do.