May all your neighbors one day admire your lush, carefully groomed lawn that was grown 100% organically (without use of harsh chemicals and pesticides).
ahhh. San Francisco. We never have to worry about our Mayor urging people to be nicer. This is the man who called Elvis Grbac a “disgrace to humanity” the day after Elvis’ father died. He’s also far more entertaining than most mayors.
How dare you Suasponte. You have me so livid I can’t even be bothered to capitalize the second S in your name. May your mother be an old woman who has had sex with one or more men, and may your father have been the man who impregnated your mother.
Hey Capacitor! Are you the same “Capacitor” that posts to the Peavey Electronics MB? From Johnboy (has a Rickenbacher
and an Alembic (but doesn’t play them anymore [no one want’s to hear])
You people better be more careful with what you say. Somebody might have misplaced his dictionary and be offended. Not that there is anything wrong with misplacing one’s dictionary. And I certainly would not consider it a character flaw nor an indication of low intelligence. Not like, say, bad typing.