My penis has been named. I need to get to the bottom of the choice of name.

JimSox5, you probably shouldn’t ask. It could be a mouthful.

Skip, you about made me fall out of my chair. I did bump my head on my desk, though, so that counts for something.

Maybe he had named two previous lovers peni, Alvin and Theodore?

Maybe he had named two previous lovers peni, Alvin and Theodore?

After Simon Jones, who acted the part of Arthur Dent in HHGTTG.

Simon’s had a busy weekend and needs a rest. He’s a little miffed; he’s not used to having his hair cut quite so short. What will his buddies at the gym say?

And this weeks TMI statement goes to…


Err… that should read:

And this weeks award for the most TMI statement goes to…


I participated in this thread before Otto. Why does he get pictures of Simon and not me?

For future reference:

Any Doper male who wishes to send me pictures of his Simon does not need to wait for my consent. I have my email public here for a reason, people!

scott evil, this means you!

Yes, I have no doubt he spends hours at a time on his knees…

your penis talks to other penis’ at the gym??

You may want to consider naming his.

Maybe Simon can get a movie of his own…

Okay, I was going to make a mediocre joke about “Simonized” the old dry cleaning trademark, so I googled simonize. I stumbled accross this apt headline. The innuendo is eveywhere.

Since your appendage has been dubbed “Simon”, here are some suggested names for Jeremy’s dangly:

-Schuster (since most of their work is between the covers)
-Garfunkle (may not bode well for your partnership)
-Leroy (I dunno, “Simon and Leroy” just has a nice ring to it)

Wouldn’t work. He doesn’t have a 'fro surrounding it, and it doesn’t think it can paint.

He does, however, have an 8-gauge PA with three beads.

Ferdinand the bull?

In any case, Simon’s new hairdo got quite a few double-takes at the gym this evening.

And yet my mailbox remains empty. <sigh>

Clearly Jeremy knows my stepbrother Simon, he is a dick. :wink:

Since you asked … “Mighty Randy Chuckletrousers.”

Hey, Skip warned you that you might not want to know.

Otto, check your email. This time I’m not teasing.

AHEM :wink: