My penis has been named. I need to get to the bottom of the choice of name.

[Laurena Bobbitt]Oh, a game! Rock+penis+scissors![/LB]

[Lorena Bobbitt]Oh, a game! Rock+penis+scissors![/LB]

:smack: The joke gets better with the spelling…

Yup, looks like a Simon to me.

(now if you’ll excuse me I need a few moments of alone time)

Now wait a second here…You mean to tell me that you are a full grown adult male, and you hadn’t named him already?

Should every adult male already have theirs named?
[personal question]
Who have you got in your pants?
[personal question]

My husband told me that guys don’t usually name their own. If they have names, they were usually given by someone else.

Guys: Is this true?

misstee, are you talking to me, or Lil’ Elvis? :smiley:
I have yet to meet a man who hasn’t named his.

Hello Lil’ Elvis.
< insert joke about leaving the building, and re-entering the building and leaving the building >
I guess I wasn’t aware that guys named them, something to ask hubby about tonight.

When you meet new people, do you ask them what their penis’ name is?

Jeez, Otto, you could at least send me a personal email or something, so I don’t feel like such a cheap whore. :wink:

I’m sorry scott, I would never want you to feel like a cheap whore. I’m sure you’re a very expensive whore.

I did actually send you a personal email, and when I get home from work tonight I will send you a very personal email…

Otto<----horse with no name

In my circle of friends who are male, only one of us has named his penis. His girlfriend named it for him; it’s name is now Donkey.

I’ve never had the urge to name my penis, but I think Rutherford would be a grand name.

Well, Otto

This is getting interesting.

Thats it!
I’m naming mine Otto!


And look! You can spell it backwards! That’ll come in handy.

Or something will come in handy.

I’m confused. I thought vanilla was a female-type person.

Now I’m really confused. I didn’t know handy was gay. :o

[sub]No offense handy, just joking around.[/sub]


Vanilla would that be for “Otto-mate”? …

I think this thread should return to being about me and simon evil. :stuck_out_tongue:

Female indeed.
Just kidding.
scott evils penis makes people think of jokes.

he heh

Now lets get back to him and his penis!