My so called friend.

During high school, a friend of mine had to move away because of one thing or another. He said he was miserable there, and wishes he could come back. Right around this time we(my family and I) were moving into our new, much bigger house, that had enough room for the kids, and one left over. I offered up the idea of my friend moving in so he could be somwhat happy. Mom went for it, and he was on a bus within 2 weeks. My mom adopted the fucker. All was fine and well, then I graduated. He was a year behind me. He ended up dropping out 3 months before he would have graduated, and his life has been downhill ever since. He’s been locked up a few times (most recently for 6 months) and every time, he’s been warned by my mother, but every time, she lets him stay again. This was supposed to be the last time, but he’s still here almost a month after he got out, and he’s right back to his stupid self. But, my mother, being the good person that she is, has trouble kicking him out.

He eventually started ‘borrowing’ my things while I was out ‘being in love.’ This pretty much took the cake. I knew then that he could never be trusted and never be viewed as a friend by me again. He’s just worthless scum.

Anyway, I just found a small bag of pot, which I hid away to show my mom in the morning. He’s been ‘busted’ by my parents before, with a ziploc full of it, and they told him that if it happened again, that was it. Well, I can say that I hope this really is it, because he’s been nothing but a headache since I got outof school. If it was my decision, he would have been gone long ago, but alas, it’s not. I want to just beat the shit out of him, but I fear that he might retalliate not physically, but some other, more demeaning way. (character attacks etc) I was originally going to post this in GQ about what to do about possible stashes that he could be hiding at my house, but I realized that there is no real question there, so I pit the cunt instead. Fuck you, asshole, for fucking up my home life by making me not want to leave my stuff unattended.

I haven’t been this angry in months, thanks for letting me vent, sdmb.

Why not tell him exactly what you think of him and why?

He may get it. I doubt he will if he’s stealing from you, but sometimes people do respond well to a “come to Jesus” confrontation and actually do better.

If you don’t want to do that, leave any stashes of his intact and call the cops on him (or his probation officer).

Even so, the house isn’t yours, correct? I understand not wanting to see loved ones get used, but there comes a time when you have to let go.

Sorry, I left out, “Put a lock on your door.”

This guy sounds like a waste of space. I don’t know your family dynamics, but it sounds like a good deal for all if he just left.

I hope this works out for you.


I had nearly this exact same friend a few years ago. Right down to moving away and taking the bus back and and my mom loving him and everything. The only difference was that he was nice enough to have sex with my girlfriend before stealing all of my stuff.

I finally did call the cops on him, which is uncharacteristic of me, after he stole several hundred dollars of my best clothes right before I knew he was moving away again. If I didn’t know he was leaving the next day I would’ve tracked the little fucker down and gotten it myself.

It was twice as hard to be mad at him though because even though he was older than me he really looked up to me and he would give me a face like he was going to start crying everytime I got mad at him.

Yes, the house isn’t mine, and if I call the cops, he could put blame on my family(even though he’s the only one who’s spent more than a night in jail that lives here) which could in turn cost either of my parent’s their jobs.

I was VERY tempted to throw the stash in his face and tell him to leave that INSTANT, but I know my mother would be upset about something.(either me being so angry or whatever might have happened after that.)

The lock went on my door a long time ago, I just forgot to mention that.

Nothing I could say to him would change him. 6 months of prison didn’t change him, although everyone thought it would.

If my mother doesn’t do something this time, I’ll call up my officer friend and have him bust them at someone else’s house, and just hope he doesn’t have a stash here that he could(and most likely would) use against us.

Fun is fun, but dope is serious. The authorities can take the house, sell it and keep the money.

Best to toss him out. Lacking that, pay for a place to get him out. Lacking that, move out yourself.

(Dorpers are bad news. A doper relative of mine tried to take his brother’s house, claiming he was entitled because some old clothes were kept there. )

The Lesson: Don’t ever invite your friends to live with you, even the closest friends won’t get along after a while and the guy sounds like a deadbeat anyway.

Is that really the law in the US? :eek:

Holy shit, I knew that the US laws were nuts on the subject of pot, but that takes the cake - the cops can sell your house because you take some juvvie in and he has pot?


Yeah, I’ve talked to my mother about it, and she intends to kick him out. I’ve strongly considered moving in with my father, but I think I might be the only thing keeping this guy from taking over. Unfortunately, I fear that after she starts paying for a place for him to live, he won’t help out at all, just like he hasn’t really helped out here.

I completely agree about having friends live in, now. I highly advise against it to anyone that asks me.

It’s called asset forfeiture, and there are plenty of horror stories about it. Feel free to Google.