Nearwildheaven, you're a racist piece of shit

In a thread on murder victims who needed to die, nearwildheaven presents us with the case of Martin Lee Anderson, a vile criminal who, God save us, was killed by prison guards before he could wreak yet more devastation upon society.

Martin’s crime? Well, he stole his grandmother’s car. And some candy. And violated curfew. He was killed by guards at a Florida “boot camp” for juvenile offenders. Also, he was 14 years old. Clearly a hardened criminal who could not be allowed to live. Did I mention that he was black? Those guards clearly did us all (we white folk) a favor in killing him.

The alternative, according to nearwildheaven, is that he would have been released, and he might have dated our (white) daughters! Quel horreur! The audacity of the criminal black child who should not live! I know I’ve heard of this black youth threatening white womanhood before, if only I could think of where!

Nearwildheaven says she was nearly kicked off of some other message board for saying that the guards did the world a favor for killing young Martin Lee Anderson. But here, praise be, we welcome all kinds of racists.

Where did I say he deserved to die because he was black and might date my (non-existent) daughters? You’re pulling something out of your rear end.

I will say that I am Caucasian, and if I’d had kids, there ARE a lot of black kids I wouldn’t have wanted them dating. There are a lot of white, Asian, etc. kids I wouldn’t have wanted them dating either.

You: Many times, I asked them, “Had he gotten out, would you have wanted him at your kids’ school? Dating your daughter(s)? Would you take him into your home if he had no place to go?”

You don’t think race had anything to do with it? Tell me, do you think white children who steal candy deserve to die?

It’s telling that the thing you are most concerned with is being called racist.

Not, you know, **supporting capital punishment for someone crashing granny’s car and stealing candy after curfew. **

Racism is the best case scenario here.

If I were in charge of that board, it wouldn’t have just been a banning. It would have involved tracking you down in real life. If your sense of proportion in punishment is that far out of wack, I’d be worried how you punished your own children.

You not only said this horrible shit but repeated it here like we’d all find it reasonable. What the goddamned fuck is wrong with you?

While we’re here, let’s take a moment to appreciate nearwildheaven’s bonus-trolling: Her thread in which she explains that the real problem is that women don’t understand what sexual harassment is.

We’re so lucky to have shitheads like nearwildheaven around to explain it for us pretty little airheads.

Tracking someone down in real life? Why would you do that?

Yeah, I couldn’t believe that one. She just blows off young women getting raped with her breezy comment dismissing rape culture. nearwildheaven hasn’t ever been on my radar, but all if a sudden tonight, what the ever-loving fuck??

My grandmother died 2 years ago. Otherwise I would wonder if she is nearwildheaven.

You just haven’t been paying attention. Which is probably for the best.

Not to single out the blacks, or women who cry ‘rape’ though, she also doesn’t like all these autistic kids having big birthday parties like the kind she was never invited to just so they can get a bunch of presents and attention and fun and stuff.

You know what’s just as bad as racism? Stalking people. What the goddamned fuck is wrong with you?

On having their (her?) earlier post quoted for me in the relevant thread, I’ll have to agree.

I can put down the callous disregard for the basic value of human life as being symptomatic of something like depression or general mental laziness in the form of, “If you just kill everyone that could be problematic, then you’re never going to have anything problematic happen.”

But the description of the kid’s crimes that we are given make that assumption untenable. I don’t think that if you told her that a white kid went joyriding and stole a lollipop that her instinct would be “murder now!”

I imagine that she does believe that she’s simply using the logic I stated. But I suspect that it would not be hard to demonstrate that her implicit expectation of what a person would do, given a known set of facts, would diverge greatly if you changed the race of the person and nothing else.

You’re not even in charge of your own basement. Fuck off with your “we.”-You are a sad, lonely child doing time in your own skin.

People who needed to die and deserved to die:

  • Hitler
  • Dahmer
  • The Peado Priest
  • Trujillo
  • Tommy Desimone
  • That fucker who came to my eleventh birthday and broke the chain on my bike.

NWH has long been on my radar as a fucking moron and mouth-breather. God forbid she’s an actual pharmacist! People are risking their lives to an incompetent jackass.

Long on my radar as well, for peddling disinformation and general shit-stirring.

So how’s your Mod audition going?

She really embodies a weird mix of self-loathing misogyny/apologisim with total obsession with women . . .she’s profoundly uninterested in anything to do with men and treats them as flat stock characters in any narrative. If I found out she was a man who was abused as a child and has been lurking/adopting a female persona in the internet for years, I wouldn’t be surprised.

But it’s the smilies that drive me batty.

And the ebola obsession. That’s weird.

Racist piece of shit spewed her hatred my way here.

Fucking trash.

As someone who asked her in the thread linked by the OP, “Is that really the standard for justifying murder? Really? You don’t think that, by that metric, there’d be millions of people who “deserved” to be murdered?”, and received no response, I welcome this pitting. What a cynical, brutal, shitty way of regarding your fellow humans. Absent any further explanation, I agree with the OP that there’s definitely some racial animus going on there.

However, in light of kayaker’s linked post, I don’t think it’s just racism. There’s a general misanthropy on display here that is sickening:

Fully support this pitting. Always thought she was at least an idiot if not worse. But no one else seemed disturbed by her so I thought it was me.