Need a name for a class of work pooper.

By now, we’ve all seen this piece of Office Pooper indexing. It’s always been rather useful around here for discussing who are the "Unlce Ted"s, who are the “Out of the Closet” poopers (I happen to be that), and different times we might have been “Turd Burgled”.

Our company occupies several floors of a building and so from time to time, we catch someone from one of the other floors doing a “Walk of Shame”. That is, a Nth floor employee has come down to my (N-1)th floor and just “Killed It”. He’s been spied and indentified as an “Invader”, but that’s the best we’ve come up with.

What we need is a name for the Invader who came down and wrecked one of our stalls for everyone on our floor.

While we’re at it, does anyone have a better term for “Killing It”?

We used “wrecked it”, “murdered it”, “murdalized it”, etc. but I’m trying to branch out. I mean, “Releasing a Porceline Shock and Awe Strategy” is nice, but we need something more concise. You can’t just walk by a guy’s office, lean in and go “I released porceline shock and awe”. Bonus points if it’s something easy to lip-read so you can mouth it to him while he’s on a conference call.

How about Swamped it?

MOAD :eek: The Mother of All Dumps.

Run, Forrest! Run!

Call him The UPS Guy. He’s there to deliver a package.

What can brown do for you?

Fly by Bomber

How about Turd Terrorist?

I like that.

In a similar vein. . .“Drive by Dumper”.

I was just thinking of a new scenario this morning. . .sometimes you’re walking into the bathroom right when a guy is coming out the door. Here’s the thing: if the toilet is still flushing when he’s coming through the door, then you KNOW that guy didn’t wash his hands. The toilets are pretty quick flushers, and even if you do a quick rinse & dry, the toilet has long stopped flushing by the time you’re going out the door. I might need a name for that guy, too.

I actually don’t care about people washing their hands or not, but that guy still could use a name.

Captain Disgusting?

I was an Uncle Ted at my last desk gig. In fact I was a Great-Uncle Ted, meaning I would stay On There until my legs went numb. I like not being around ringing telephones and disembodied voices suddenly heard behind one’s back, what can I say?

Uncle Ted’s are my nemesis.

I like the “Fly By” and if an Uncle Ted necessitates a double fly-by, I get irritated. 5-8 minutes ought to be enough.

There’s a flossing Uncle Ted here. I used to wait until he was done flossing, but after a while, I just had to say “Fuck It”. If he doesn’t care bout my molecules landing on his floss, then I don’t care either.

Jersey Toddlers

They just kinda wander in from some foreign place.

In geology, we call islands and plates that migrate from afar to impact a continental mass Exotic Terrains or Exotic Accretions. Do with that what you will.

Herr Scheissmeister: proper noun

“I see we’ve had a visit from Herr Scheissmeister again.”

Feminine would be Frau or Fraulein Scheissmeister

I suppose this type of terminology could be applied with every branch of the human language.
Spanish: Senor La Cagadera ( Mr. Shits.)

(I fully expect more worldly dopers to check in with better etomology than my google fu.)

One of my colleagues suggested “Off Shore Drilling”.

He also thought we needed a name for when house cleaning was in there and you wanted to go. . .I told him that’s called getting a “Clean Sanchez”.

He’s a “Stealth Bomber” and the bathroom has been “cluster bombed.”

Dip Shit.

:smiley: :smiley: Never heard it put quite that way, but very fitting!