"Never make a pretty woman your wife" song?

I noticed a song playing in the 80’s “Chances Are” movie… Jimmy Soul’s “If You Want To Be Happy”

Personally my wife is about a 5 out of 10 but things are going quite well. (BTW I also listen to John Gottman’s material which says things like that the ratio between negative to positive interactions should be about 1:5)

That’ll change quickly out she finds out you only rated her a 5.

Didn’t we do this before? The song quoted in the OP is even one of the suggestions from the other thread.

JohnClay, it’s against the rules to quote entire song lyrics due to copyright issues.
I’ve removed the lyrics from your post.


Dude just wants to make triple sure no one makes the mistake of thinking his wife might be pretty.

A while ago she told me she was ugly and I think I said she was cute and attractive - i.e. not objectively “hot”. Also recently she said that in the past she had been rated an “8” or a “9”. I didn’t respond at all. It would be because she used to have a really good body and was very athletic - now she’s just got a thinish arms, legs and butt (and big belly and boobs). Now she just said not to write about her on the messageboards…

BTW I think me and my wife will be very faithful… (she says she wants to stay with me forever and also has a higher sex drive than me, etc) unlike about 1/4 or more of couples that cheat even though they might think the other partner is very hot/beautiful… (e.g. many famous couples)

Hmmm… so that’s where I found out about that song…

BTW a song that is a little similar is Dr. Hook’s “When You’re In Love With A Beautiful Woman”:

“…you know it’s hard”
“…you watch your friends… it never ends”
“…you go it alone”

I think there are things that are a lot more important that whether your partner is really good looking… my wife is very loyal, affectionate, sexual, fun/funny, etc. She has had a lot of relationships in the past but never one night stands. Even in recent times when she no longer has a hot body, she’s had a lot of guys who’ve wanted to get together with her… (just about all of the guys who knew her who were single and her age) I find a lot of aspects about her appearance very attractive but overall like I said she’s about a 5.

Incidentally, here’s the original calypso version by Roaring Lion.

Interesting… it seems like a lot of people thought the song’s concept was a good idea… (or they think it is humorous/entertaining)

I like Robert Mitchum’s version. But mostly for the album art.


Oy she actually married him?:rolleyes:

Johnclay, I think you might have issues with how attractive you perceive your wife to be. You’ve been fixated on this topic more than once it appears. I have vague memories of that prior thread, and I think that, perhaps for you, you should have made a “pretty” woman your wife.

In the initial thread, where it appears there might have been a prior thread to that one, you state:

What do you mean by “lack of tendons”? Maybe I’m having a brain fart here, but what do you mean? Can you link to a picture of the converse? A tendon-laden neck?

Apparently, she’s not a Cardassian. Neither, apparently, is she a Kardashian.

He is saying that her neck is fat. Pretty much every single post that he has made can be summed up in similar terms. I’m thinking of drafting up a drinking game rulesheet!

You should consider a blog, my friend. Whatever it is that you find so pleasing about endlessly telling us how not hot your wife is, just creeps us out. I remember each manifestation, they were each distinctly awkward and base. Yuck!

Seriously, a blog. You’ll be happy, and we’ll be delighted for you.