New Matrix revolutions trailer online

Quicktime trailer

The final theatrical trailer is available online, and it looks damn good. If you thought you weren’t going to see this one after reloaded, think again.

I also say it looks quite good. I know that the Brothers are counting on this one, as they have withdrawn Reloaded from all Oscar contention.

The final battle between…well, for spoiler-sake, I’ll say the bad guys and the good guys cost $60 million.

Breathe, Neo. Just Breathe.

I just hope they can give a plausible explanation for why Neo can do what he did at the end of Reloaded.

You know, the stopping sentinels with his hand thing. From the trailer, it looks like he’ll be doing it again.


Lots of trailers look good - such is the goal of a trailer. The trailer for Reloaded looked good, but the movie didn’t live up to it.

IMHO, anyway.

However, I gotta say - it is a very impressive trailer.

direct link

Can’t wait!!! Some people didn’t like Reloaded because they thought it was to complicated at the end and because it was too focused on the Matrix itself and not some other story… like they were expected more thrilling adventures in the Matrix without actually delving into the deeper backstory. Personally, that’s what I loved about it, and I have complete faith in the Wachowskis to wow me again.

I’d concede it looks interesting, but then again so did Reloaded and I loathed that movie with the fiery passion of a thousand hells.

Actually, the problem was that the trailer was the movie; a series of cool-looking stunt and CG sequences with no coherent narrative to bind them together.

The action sequences for Reloaded looked a lot better on the small screen. That 100 Agent fight? Come on, most blatent CG ever.

OT, but I don’t think Bryan and I have ever agreed on anything in any of the threads we’ve both been participated in. I bet if we met IRL it would result in mutual annihilation. :slight_smile:

I liked Reloaded quite a lot, though not as much as the first movie…I am hoping Revolutions surpasses it.

Actually, the plot parts of Reloaded were just great. My problems were with such idiocy as that overlong, overdrawn car chase. My god that thing got old fast. Unfortunately, it ended SLOWLY.

Everyone needs to remember that we have only seen one half of the Matrix sequel. R&R = one 5 hour long movie cut in half.

I too have faith in the Wachowski brothers. Revolutions will be incredible.

Somewhere on the Internet someone has posted essentially the entire story, down to who exactly the man and his daughter in the subway are, and what the ending is (i.e. who dies and how). I’ve only heard rumours this was posted to a few forums, so if someone would help me out with a link I’d be grateful.

As far as the ending, it is clear that the Matrix is not destroyed because The Matrix Online, a forthcoming online game, takes place after the third film and the matrix is still around with its gunfights and agents. This has been confirmed by the developers. I hope that the third film doesn’t leave the storyline wide open so that Brothers can make a huge Star Wars-like franchaise out of it.


I hope you meant THE brothers, and you don’t think that the film was directed by a single guy called Wachowski Brothers.

Cos that’d be weird.

At least it wasn’t directed by Joyce Brothers.

If you’ll notice at the end of the Revolutions trailer, there is a glimpse of a blue sky. Does this mean that the machines can go back to solar power?

Here’s my interpretation of what we see in the trailer:

The machines are about to wreck Zion, and agent Smith is about to wreck the matrix. Neo cuts a deal with the machines: he defeats Smith, and the machines leave Zion alone. It looks like Neo’s going to be fighting Smith up until the last minute.

I have one question :

The Architect said that Zion was just another form of The Matrix. If so, then will we ever see the actual real world*?