NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 3)

2/3 of us do not own guns so yes, a majority of us do all those things without being armed.

Meanwhile, we have gun nuts who really, really do seem to need their gun to do anything. I’ve met people who won’t sit on their own front porch or mow the lawn without carrying. I know them but I generally avoid being near them when I can, for reasons that should be obvious.

Last summer when I went camping I do confess we had guns - because it was in bear country. Other than that, no, I certainly don’t wander around with a firearm stuck in my underwear.

Bunch of paranoid loons - that’s part of the reason that owning a gun makes you more likely to be injured or killed by a gun, bonkers people who carry them around when there’s no need, often in an unsafe manner.