Nika just made post #1

Welcome Nika. Congrats on the first post. Try not to get to scared in here, there are some weirdos around.

We will expect link to the obligatory nude photo of you presently. You have 48 hours to post the link or you will be banned. Sorry, those are the rules.

I’m not making this up.

Really, I’m not.

Hey Nika. Welcome to the board. BTW its male nudie pics that we are looking for :wink:

Thanks for the welcome guys!! It is nice to be noticed. My friend told me about this, he just reads them and I thought I would like to speak my mind. But thank you for making me feel welcome. As for the nudes I had a set done last week by my photographer and I should get them back next week! :slight_smile: Kidding.

Welcome, Nika! Glad to have you join us. Pay no attention to us sex-starved fools here. Wait, I meant those sex-starved fools. Not me. I’m not one. No, not me.
WHAT??? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nika, huh?

We’ve got a little troll named Amy here. You guys know each other?

It’s true about the nekkid pichurs. In addition, you have to put all your money in a paper bag and email it to me immediately.

Hey, I don’t make the rules.

Welcome, Nika! I’m looking forward to those nekkid pictures, too! Have we hazed you yet?

Father’s Day is just around the corner, Wally, you better start being nice if you want something good.

Sorry for the ignorance, but what is a little troll?? Wally ade this reference i think, can you help me out??

What about me? Sniffle

A troll is someone who makes posts, not adding anything to the thread or make a point, but simply to provoke other posters to get a some kind of reaction. Basically, that say rude crap to piss you off to see what you’ll do. There’s other forms of trolling, but what I’ve seen that’s the most common.

And Amy is not a troll, she’s Wally’s daughter.

thanks :slight_smile: I had better not be considered a troll. That will hurt my little feelings :slight_smile:

Hey! What about me? I made a first post.
Guess nobody notices a first post. sigh

Fresh meat!

So, wadda ya think of guys in uniforms?

(Not UPS uniforms, Wally would wear one of those.)

You made a first post in a thread welcoming someone else’s first post?

I would open a new thread for you, too, but I wasn’t expecting 2 brand new newbies in one hour. Besides, the only reason Nika got an open thread for it is that 1) I happened to post right after her and noticed her post count was only 1 and 2) I’m at work on a Sunday, but I’ll be damned if they actually get any work out of me!

Welcome to the board, Gnarly. You read the rules above. Nude pix of men go to CanadianSue, nude pix of women go to me, Wally gets your money. You have 48 hours to do this or you’re banned.

Better get crackin.

Sorry Nika, if I party crashed. Oh, and you’re running low on the cheese nachos. Got a $50? I’ll make a run for some.

Thanks for the notice, BratMan007, but I’m just here to eat.

Will get crackin’ on thet oter thig though. (Hard to typo wif yer mouf ful.)

Do what I do, Bratman. I’ve been “Hit and Running” Wally for hours.

Fun and easy, too.

Without my straight lines, where would you be, Chief?

On the soup lines with the rest of the solo comics.

I made you what you are today.

Actually, you made my day today, Wal.

Yo! Dude! I do believe I was the FIRST to welcome you. See my Attn Wally thread where it says…

And I get nekkid pictures, too, btw. I’ll take either male or female, thank you.

Sorry, Shayna it was me. Gnarly’s post count was at 1 when I said

[QOUTE]You made a first post in a thread welcoming someone else’s first post?

I would open a new thread for you, too, but I wasn’t expecting 2 brand new newbies in one hour. Besides, the only reason Nika got an open thread for it is that 1) I happened to post right after her and noticed her post count was only 1 and 2) I’m at work on a Sunday, but I’ll be damned if they actually get any work out of me!

Welcome to the board, Gnarly. You read the rules above. Nude pix of men go to CanadianSue, nude pix of women go to me, Wally gets your money. You have 48 hours to do this or you’re banned.

Better get crackin.[/QOUTE]