NO kitten pictures

Sorry I have no digital camera or scanner so I can’t post pictures. Those who read this thread know that I lost my precious cat Thomas of 18 yrs. At that time I didn’t want to think about getting another cat.
But yesterday we stopped at Petco and the Humane Society was there with animals for adoption, and this little yellow tabby male started trying to get our attention.
To make a long story short he’s now (temporarily) named junior, standing on my shoulder and swatting the keyboard. So I told him he could type a line to introduce himself.

E 3bgv H,m y,h ,5444444bv87dvzZ,m gffffffffffffffffffffgvffdccccj mfmvf gb dskkjhj;pppp’hh fvcdf3gggggy7regfl/

I hope that makes sense to other cats. It su r e doesn’t to m7y6d9dgknik87gfv7 xcfjvcu.
Now Stop that!

Congratulations on your new owner.
No pics?
::SCL wanders away disappointed::

;luuuujjjtg ,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtgtrfggggggc ,.fikv

…is Pepper’s feline response. Dunno what they’re saying to each other, but they’re sure enthusiastic about it!


Doesn’t your cat know this isn’t the Pit?

/;,.,klkkjnpl;km jhjhu8097rfgtgtgg98hy/…'0jutf765f

That’s from Charlie. I think it means Welcome Junior.

Jeez, what atrocious language cats use these days. Back when I was a kid, if any of our cats had used words like “mfmvf” or “luuuujjjtg”, mom would have washed their mouths out with soap. :dubious:

What do long strings of repeated mmmmmmm’s or gggggg’s mean in the kitty language? Intensifiers? Or “my paw is stuck”?

Smokey read your post and says
333333333333384r maha/5lu,eo5555 lvlhji4444444444tqekq,f eeee 52jhy612222qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

His food is on a stand in the bathroom, he’s already taken a bite out of the Caress. It didn’t seem to help.

Cuervo says welcome to the neighborhood Junior!

Or, to quite him directly:

“ppppprrrrrrrr, prrrrr, grrrrrrpppppp (roll over, lick paw, chase Scarlett, hide from Scarlett),ppprrrrrrr, flop”

But… But… Kitty pictures!


,.l.gbhjnhjghfdxsvn. ,nnjmjhnnhhhhm.

Or so I am told by my cats.