Nobody Jumping on latest Bush fumble? What's wrong with you guys?

Someone should check up on Reeder, I’m worried something happened to him.

There’s a thread in IMHO. I think people are a little shocked that he ‘accidentally’ came out and said exactly what they thought he was thinking. :wink:

I thought that was pretty funny myself. Guess where I saw it? Fox News :gasp!:

There was a thread yesterday on it, I think. “Funny Sush Misspeak” or something like that.

Gotcha covered

We have secretly replaced Casey’s “B” key with another “S” key. Let’s watch…

The BBC article makes much of the idea that these gaffes endear him to the US electorate.

Perhaps the Democratic Party would be better fielding a cute toddler as a candidate. Is the US becoming a genuine idiocracy?

G.D.‘s (insulting, but that’s the most polite way I can refer to him) inability to speak or think are an enabler of misgovernment, but examples of it are too familiar and too far removed from the policy disasters that should be our concern. The fact that he accidentally said something almost true does not impress me as much as the fact that he mostly chooses to remain silent and hide the truth as his chosen means of communicating with the American public. If there were no 9/11, if there were no botched invasions of Afghanistan and botched and illegal invasions of Iraq, if there were no blithe disregard of the economic effects of pushing tax cuts for your supporters while massively increasing government spending, if there were no John Ashcroft supporting states’ rights only to support right-wing conservative causes, the sheer opaqueness of this administration, the constant insistance on witholding information from the people would convince me tthat this administration is unworthy of leading a democratic republic.

Nah, there was definitely a thread about it yesteray evening - psossibly two. My computer is going at approx the speed of a glacier right now, but I will reboot and try to come back with a link.

Casey, wouldn’t you be replacing the “s” key with the “s” key?

Good to know guys, I looked all around and hadn’t seen a thread. I’m still worried about Reeder though.

I thought it was amusing, but endearing? No. This bit speaks volumes about the levels of self-discipline and self-control required to reach high military rank:

Nobody even smirked?

Reeder may not have started a thread on this because Coldfire threatened to ban him if he got on Bush for anything other than politics. It would have been just another “Bush has poopypants” thread if he had started it.

Nah, there was definitely a thread about it yesteray evening - psossibly two. My computer is going at approx the speed of a glacier right now, but I will reboot and try to come back with a link.

I doubt that there’s cause for concern about Reeder. His gig is pointing out things that don’t get reported in the mainstream news.

Reeder’s work may be over. A story like this wouldn’t have made the mainstream not so very long ago. Things have changed, and even Fox’s own poll is predicting a loss for Bush.

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee - I know it’s in Texas, it’s probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on … it fool me. Fuck it. Me jump shark.”

I must be missing something.

I wonder if this isn’t just some Anchorman-esque prank.
They know he’ll read anything that’s typed on the teleprompter, so maybe somebody’s just messing with him.

Fingers crossed for:
"And I’m George Bush. Go fuck yourself, America. "

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Aug. 3-4, 2004. Basically as follows:

Kerry 48%
Bush 43%


Kerry 47%
Bush 43%
Nader 2%

Time for another terror alert eh? :dubious:

I think they’ve been there and done that. Quite recently in fact. Didn’t seem to help. A turning point has been passed.

“They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

Paging Dr. Freud…