My mother is harping on something Trump said recently
Quote (from my mother)
what do you think about the remarks that our new president is spouting??
what a nut
don’t ask me to repeat them if you didn’t hear them
hope they impeach him
send him out of the country!!
see how he likes living in another country
I get the impression he doesn’t know what he’s going to say until he’s opened his mouth and heard what comes out. And then he’ll have said something else tomorrow. Whether either actually leads to anything happening is quite another question.
You can take your pick. It’s either his speech at the UN, his declaring war on the NFL, his supreme indifference to Puerto Rico’s suffering or just random Wednesday Trumpery.
Trump describes a meeting with Democratic congressman Elijah Cummings:
“Well he said, you’ll be the greatest president in the history of, but you know what, I’ll take that also, but that you could be. But he said, will be the greatest president but I would also accept the other. In other words, if you do your job, but I accept that. Then I watched him interviewed and it was like he never even was here. It’s incredible. I watched him interviewed a week later and it’s like he was never in my office. And you can even say that.”
All she said was that she forgot I was on his side! :smack::eek:
So, no, no declaration, nothing. :rolleyes: She would have probably forgotten by now what she was carrying on about…like JayJay said above, it could be anything and everything.
I’ve told her before; if you dont hear it from the horse’s mouth, you cant be sure what was really said.