Special_Kay and I are heading into Manhattan (the island, you pervs!), on Saturday. Is anyone up for dinner and drinks? I was unable to go in on Tuesday due to early work, and an unfriendly distance to the city. I’m partial to Maylasian food, but I’m open for suggestions! Let the chaos begin!
Now, there are only a few dopers who even know me, so I want some of you there. Biggirl, Sling, Cajun man , and Dr. Matrix. I had such a great time with guys last time.
But, like I said I’ll keep Wonko to myself if need be. Wonder where we’ll get lost this time… love ya, Wonk.
You waitin’ for us’n ta say whereat?
If you leave it to me, I’ll have you both wandering lost in Brooklyn again.
Howzabout NyoNya on Grand in Chinatown west of Bowry (one or two blocks I think). Yummy Malaysian food, not too expensive, and appropriately casual. I figure we can start early, say 4-5pm?
Oh, and we were -not- lost…
It was a… um… errr… Unintended Tour. Yes, an Unintended Tour ™.
BigGirl- can you and houseman join us?
I’d love to join you, but I’m heading out to Long Island this weekend. Have fun and report back on any silliness that transpires.
Love to join you, but I’m helping out at a friend’s shop and won’t get done until about 8:30 or 9:00. Waaaah!
Gosh, Oxy, is the job search going that poorly? {{OxyMoron}}
I also am unavailable this weekend - visiting the fam.