NYC Dopefest Saturday August 10?

I will be in Manhattan for the day on Saturday 10 Aug. I’ll be arriving by Amtrak in the morning and leaving in the evening, accompanying my wife who will be at a conference all day. Generally I use these day trips as a fun “let’s see how much ethnic food I can consume combined with how many steps I can walk” kind of day – i.e. fantastic pizza (I like NY Pizza Suprema by Penn Station, but I’m no expert on NYC pizza), then Japanese curry, then Xi’an Famous Foods special lamb noodles, and then a few beers. If any Manhattan-ites would like to meet for a beer or a slice (or something else), I’m open to it.

I’d be interested in attending an NYC Dopefest. It’s been awhile.

Yes it has. I’d like to be there.

Thanks! Hope there will be more (plenty of time), and NYC Dopers can feel free to make suggestions for a location. My preference for time will be around noon (my train leaves at 5 or 6), and for location will be somewhere in Manhattan easily accessible to the subway.

Bumping this. Any others that might be interested? Any suggestions on location?

Wish we still lived in NYC. We’d be there, for sure.

Got a gig or else I would!

Sounds fun, but can’t be 100% sure yet

Another bump – getting close!

Wish I could but I gotta be away for work. :frowning:

I’d like to be there. I may or may not have work and won’t know until the last minute, but I’ll be there if I can. Could you pm me the details?

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There are no details yet, aside from the OP. I’ll be in the city, killing time, for most of the day.

So, I just found out that I’m free on Saturday, August 10. So I can be there! Yay!

Oh, and I’d be happy to suggest places to meet. It might help to know what people’s dietary restrictions and preferences are first.

My first thought was a place in Koreatown, since that’s only a couple of blocks from Penn Station. But everyone would have to be OK with Korean food, which often includes meat (non-kosher), egg, soy, gluten, and chilis.

I love Korean food and have no significant dietary restrictions. Thanks for the suggestion!

Getting close!

Grrr. I wish I could be there, but I have something going on on Saturday. I’ve never met anyone from the SDMB in person (as far as I know – it’s not like it would come up in conversation).

Hey, if anyone cares, I would love a PM when these things come up in the NY or northern NJ area – I don’t frequent MPSIMS that often.

I can still make it if you guys can get something together.

I’ll be in NYC killing time regardless, and I have no plans other than "be at Penn Station at about 5 PM). I think I arrive late morning. If anyone wants it, I can PM my cell phone # for texting purposes.

Missed edit window
I’m extremely flexible regarding food options. My only restriction is that I can’t eat anything that’s extremely hot and spicy, but I can generally find something to enjoy even in the spiciest ethnic restaurants.