NYC Thursday Night Bar Meeting Series

After discussing this with several folks, we decided that it would be a good idea if we were to have set up a series of casual meetings in resturant/bars for dopers and friends every Thursday. It will be a just show up and hang out event, with none of the RSVPs or other planning involved in bigger dopefests.

We think that this will be sort of like the DC Lunch Bunch, with this thread being an ongoing reminder/details listing, but with no particular need to post if you’re coming (except if the thread needs to be kicked up from a lower page).

We plan to have the bar meeting every Thursday starting at 6:30 at a different place each week. That should be early enough for people to show up after work and get home at a reasonable time. It’s also a late enough start so that people who want to stop home and eat first (or travel from somewhere a bit distant) can arrive by 8 or 8:30 and not miss the crowd.

We would like to hold the meeting, if possible, at a comfortable, quiet bar where people can get basic bar food (burgers, wings, etc.), but also hang out at the tables drinking even if they’re not eating. I’m thinking about places like your basic neighborhood Irish bar. We’ll rotate the meeting around the City, going to a different neighborhood where attendees live or work each week so that different people will find it easy to get to. The locations might include the Village, Park Slope, the Upper West Side, the Financial District, and maybe even Astoria, Hoboken or,
gasp, Staten Island. We’ll determine the location each week by consensus on this thread. All suggestions are welcome.

For our first meeting, Thursday, January 25, we will meet at 6:30 at Flight 151, 151 Eighth Ave. at 18th St. in Chelsea. There will also be a King Cake there (courtesy of Green Bean and Overengineer, who got the baby from last week’s King Cake).

See you Thursday!

DrMatrix and I plan to be there!

sounds like a lot of fun, but unfortunately, for the next several weeks my Thursdays are booked. The ONLY night, too. Maybe in a few months.

Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you sooner, Billdo. It’s hard for me to commit to a regular night every week, but I will show up when I can. This Thursday I can’t, unfortunately, but I hope to see you all soon!

This sounds like fun! Of course, now that I’ve started school, Thursdays are out; but Spring Break is definitely a possibility. I promise to keep my drinking to a minimum!

I’ll be there when I can. . . Someone kick back a shot of vodka for me on the first meeting though.

And Sara, you are sooooooo entertaining when you’ve had a few. . . Don’t let one little night turn you into a wimp!
The biggest alkie this side of the Mississip

I’ll be there, King Cake in hand.

I’ll be there in spirit but I work in Joizy until 9 so there is no way I can make any of them. But have a drink or two in my memory.

I think I will be stopping in around 7, although I can’t stay very long. Great idea, Billdo!

I’m coming in from Jericho. I can make it if Houseman’ll agree to cook dinner. Or Houseman can make it if I agree to cook dinner. I’ll call him and see if he wants to go. You know, he really likes you guys. He and Overengineer have a special bond-- something about being abandoned by their spouses.

Ooh sounds like fun! Count Maeglin and myself in. See you all tonight!

A little collection of images that rather sums up last night’s gathering…no incriminating photos or anything, you voyeurs! Just a little story.

…In which Coldfire gets felched!
…In which UncleBeer explodes!
…In which manhattan wields supreme executive power!

Not to mention vix’s smashing victory in the Box-Game!

You can find all this and a tiny bit more here.

As all present know, I happened to win the Baby Favor in last night’s King Cake. So for next week’s gathering Pucette and I will bring our own. We do, of course, have the power of suggesting a location. So for those of you who don’t believe that anyone actually lives north of 86th Street, now’s your time to be proved wrong!

We’d like to meet at The Abbey, a fun local pub on 105th Street and Broadway. Subway access is wonderful: the 2/3 services 96th St for the Park Slopers among us, and the rest can either use the 2/3, the 1/9, or the C and B at 103rd.

We’d be happy to pick somewhere else if being uptown is really not convenient. Just post on the thread so we can get an idea of who’s willing to make the trek northwards.


The link is here.


Come on, New Yorkers, gimme some feedback!



Well, I’m not a New Yorker, but I was laughing my ass off…good enough?


Oh, okay. In my opinion, the story makes less sense when I’m not drinking. I might be willing to drink some more later, and then look at it again. The crayon, by the way, looks lovely as a scan.

It was great to see some other NY Dopers, and I hope that more of you New Yorkers will come out for future Thursday nights! Green Bean bakes a mean cake.

I am more than willing to make the voyage to the great north of our fine city … do I need to bring a passport?

You know I can’t get enough of you guys. I wanna get the baby so’s I can bake ya’ll some of my delicious King pecan pie Cake.

Thanks, del.

Maeglin, thanks for scanning that. Maybe we can get it published in the next issue of teemings.

Hopefully, I’ll be there next week, too, so I can get you that beer I owe you.

For all you non-baking King Cake winners, superb authentic King Cakes can be ordered bu UPS next day delivery from Cajun Man’s aunt and cousin’s bakery at I can tell you that they are superb.

I won’t be able to be there Thursday (and too bad, because it’s in my neighborhood, more or less), but I’ll probably be able to see you the next week.


Psssst, Maeglin and Pucette! Put a baby in every piece of cake to make sure that Biggirl will make her pecan pie for us on a future Thursday. Everyone else, ignore the baby you get in your piece.