Fair warning - this thread will probably contain spoilers for the Return of the King movie.
So far we’ve seen Legolas do the “shoot two arrows at once” thing, the “stab an orc with an arrow then shoot another orc with the same arrow” thing, the “one-handed galloping horse mount” thing, and the “shoot a bunch of arrows while skating down stairs on a shield” thing. Fan reaction to these acts seems to have progressed from “Cool!” to “Way Cool!” to “O-kay…” to :dubious: .
Any speculation as to what stunt he’ll perform in the next movie? I’m guessing that, in an homage to Empire Strikes Back, he’ll tie a rope to an arrow, fire the arrow into the belly of a Mumak, climb up the rope, cut a hole with a sword, then throw one of Saruman’s primitive bombs in the hole. “Ha ha, that got 'em!”
No, no – he’ll plunge a spear into the side of the mumak, tie some Middle Earth brand elastic cords to the spear, and use them to bungee jump down to the milling orcs below, picking off two at a time with arrows with each downward plunge.
While standing at the top of one of Middle Earth’s countless towers, he escapes a flying Nazgul by tying an elvish rope to something on the top, fastening the other end of the rope around his waist, and leaping off the tower. When the rope pulls tight, he crashes through a window in the side of the tower. Good thing he had exactly the right length of rope!
Or maybe he’ll dodge enemy arrows in bullet-time! (ala The Matrix)
I think he’ll team up with a drunken, yet honourable pirate and together they will make elf/pirate love an acceptable lifestyle choice. Oh wait you mean that slash I was reading wasn’t the new script? Damn.
Anybody whose reaction drifted below “Way Cool!” to anything Legolas did is an enemy of humanity and will be purged with the Nerds and Geeks rise up against their Jock oppressors.
Dont have any spoilers to add or any mad moments of fiction, all I can is that apparently his stunt to make us go ‘wow’ is far superior to anything weve seen before. Least thats what he said on Graham Norton* a few weeks back…
*Brit Comedy Show thingy
I hafta agree. If you want long, boring, overserious stuff, the books are right there and you can join the ranks of “But Tom Bombadil wasn’t in the mooooooooooooovie!” whiners. Legolas is way cool.
Gollum’s teeth will turn out to be not sharp enough to bite off Frodo’s finger. Legolas, fighting in the final battle miles away, sees this with his elven eyesight and fires an arrow into the air which flies across mordor into mount doom, and severs Frodo’s finger, dropping gollum and the ring into the fires.
Delly, I think that was put in spoiler boxes because it hints at what really happens in the books, not because that’s what Peter Jackson has planned at the end of the movie.
He’ll climb up on the walls of Minas Tirith and fire off an arrow with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back. This will strike Sauron at Barad-Dur, a hundred leagues away. It will hit him right smack in the center of the lidless eye, killing him instantly.
Legolas will be named the new King of Gondor and marry Liv Tyler, surrounded by adoring teenaged girls who serve as maids of honor at the wedding. Gollum will be the ring-bearer. (Oh, and the smelly guy with the stubble will marry the blonde chick.)
Based on how closely Jackson has adhered to the books to date, it’s likely he’ll drink some elfshine that causes him to shoot unquenchable mystic fire out of his ass while somersaulting over a bunch of cave trolls, and blasting away with a sawed off shotgun.