Okay girls, who was your favorite Monkee?

[Girls not ladies because I assume we’re talking about how you felt about them at the time] My sister had a big crush on Peter Tork.

Monkees fan from age 5 (1975) through now.

My favorites changed through the years, but the probable ranking was:

  1. Mickey
  2. Peter
  3. Davy
  4. Mike

Though I didn’t dislike any of them.
Mike I cam to appreciate much more when I was an adult. His songwriting skills were top notch.

I had a crush on Davy for a bit. It was both the accent, and because I have a thing for short guys. Yes, I’m a freak.

Mike from the beginning – I think even when I was little I liked him for being the quiet, ‘smart’ one, and thought the others were too silly. (I suspect a lot of that is because my older brother is 12 years older than I am, and he is quietly witty and always the calm one in my family in situations.)

Also when I got a bit older (early teens) I had the chance to play/play with Mike’s big ol’ white Gretsch, so that was pretty neat, too :slight_smile:

edited to add – it’s funny, too, because when I’ve had chats about pop music with colleagues and the discussion turns to the Monkees, they’ll invariably say to me, ‘Let me guess, Mike was your favorite.’ I wonder if there is a correlation between personality types and which Monkee (or Beatle – George Harrison for me) was one’s favorite.

Mike comes up in three different lectures in my history of rock class. :cool:

Peter Tork. I actually dated a guy who looked like him, back in the '80s.

Mrs. Quercus sadly remarked that she “was not allowed” to crush on Davy, and had to settle for Peter because of the pecking order among her sisters at the time. :frowning:

I had no idea … such cruelty!

LOL! I was the youngest and only allowed to like Peter and/or Mike. My older sister reserved Davy and Mickey for herself.

She divy-ed up The Bay City Rollers similarly.

Maybe you’re on to something. Mike and George are my favorites, too.

Mike Mike Mike. Always Mike. Lanky and laconic.

I’m not a girl, but by SO is. We were watching a bunch of episodes yesterday (I’d bought Season 2 a few years ago) and she said, ‘Micky is fast becoming my favourite Monkee.’ (When she was little, she liked Davy.)

Didn’t vote, but that’s what she said anyway.

Then: Davy/Mike
Now, after watching old videos in heavy rotation: Mickey/Mike

I also watched them on TV as a kid.

  1. Peter Tork was just boyish enough for me to identify with.
  2. Mike. He seemed smart and almost rational. In the middle of all that crazy, it was good to stick with the guy who knew what was going on.
    3.Mickey. Fun guy. Sort of the anti-Mike, though. The guy to be with if you wanted to join in the weirdness up to your neck.
    4.Davey. Very cute. There to be The Cute One. Which he was.

I liked them all but in that order.

But my real crush at that time was Captain Kirk, who I watched in re-runs. We had adventures together in space. Maybe we even kissed!

Boy I was really young once.

I loved them all, but it was Davy alone that made my girly parts feel funny.

Peter, but I was sad when I heard about Davy last week.

Mike. He was so tall and kind of quiet. But I thought Davey was the cutest.

Mike…but I loved Davy’s accent.


Peter all the way. I adored Peter Tork! (still do…)

Peter Tork was my favorite. They were in Columbus for a concert last year. I didn’t realize it until the day of and didn’t get to go.

Mike, the quiet and intelligent one. Even more when we saw Elephant Parts.

But I liked Paul in the Beatles, with John a very close second, so I don’t fit the cross-over theory.