OKiDope (somewhere near Cincinnati)

So, the much esteemed Zappo will be visiting our fair burg, which can only mean one thing: lots of terrified citizens, running through the streets, pointing and shouting “Godzilla! Godzilla!”

But of course it also means that we got us the makin’s of a good old fashioned shin-dig. A festival. A celebration. Un fete. Ein Party. The when is set, it’s driven by forces too mysterious for mere mortals to contemplate, eg, that’s when he passes through in the Taurus of Comfort. He apparently wants all of those shotglasses I told him I got him in 'Yurp. WHo knew he’d call me on that fib? Anyway, the where and who is up to you. Let me know if you are interested to attend and I’ll coordinate. This is not a repeat of DopeToYourDoor[sup]TM[/sup], this time you’ve gotta get to us. Or to wherever it is that we’re meeting. If the Lexingtonian’s come up then that’ll probably be in Newport or Covington. If it’s just us Cincinnatians and Hamiltonians then we’ll probably find someplace halfways between me and Tevya and Rue. Of course you’re more than welcome to visit from farther afield, and we’ve still got some place left at Chez ShibbOleth, even if we have to kick the Olethlings[sup]TM[/sup] out of there bunkbeds.

Zappo is putting in his appearance around dinner time on Friday, 16th August. So we’ll definitely have dinner that night, and he’s free until Sunday morning, so we can do whatever we please on Saturday the 17th (zoo, museums center, picnic, some random Rue thing, whatever). Your participation and vote count.

So, post here, send me an e-mail, telegram, fax or candygram. No smoke signals, please. Et laissez les bon temps rollez! Or something.

Man, all the fun stuff always happens so far away…

Here is a Daytonian that could probably make one of the two days.

I vote “some random Rue thing”.

Let’s all meet up at the County Fairgrounds with a jar of our favorite jelly and a spoon!

Let’s go to exotic Indiana and make crop circles!

Let’s show up at Fountain Square! Half of us can have umbrellas and wander around aimlessly saying “Tut, tut, looks like rain!” while the other half of us can look at some point in the sky and point and be all amazed, then when someone asks what we’re looking at we say “nothing”.

Let’s go picket the zoo because they don’t have a Worm Exhibit!

Or whatever else you say.
-Rue. (randomly)

Interested Toledoan Here. Location Dependant…

I’ve got a bambino, so I’d probably only be able to make it for one of the nights if I came. Where are you Rue? Or, more specifically, where would Shibb’s “someplace halfways between me and Tevya and Rue” be?


Tevya, Rue and I all live within about 10-15 miles of each other in Cincinnati. Two of the three of us have bambinos, so we could annoy the single people by making it a fambly DopeFest if you want to head down here. I think that UncleBeer is somewhere near you; if I weren’t so danged lazy I’d pull out a map and see if Toledo were near Sylvannia…

It sure is! He’s probably about 15 or 20 minutes away from me, max. I’d love to bring the little guy, but don’t want to impose that on everyone so I’ll leave it to a community vote…

However, if we’re going to be in Cinci, I vote for going to the Big Red Roof Flea Market you guys have. That place rocks, and if I lived down there I’d probably never leave it. :slight_smile:

How old is your son? Rue has two boys (as if he’d let you forget that) and I have one, they’re all between five and two, I think.

[hijack]Not that this has to do with anything, because it doesn’t, but this Saturday at 6 p.m. at River Downs it’s the Wiener Dog Nationals!

Not worth its own thread, but I thought I’d let the Cincy area Dopers know.[/hijack]

Little Phil is nearly 15 months old, Shibb. Ain’t he cute?

Woohoo! Can’t wait to see yizz all!

Is that a Dachshund show or a race? (My sister has two dachshunds, Sissy and Sassy, they’re the dark colored kind).

[Annoying TV or Radio Voice]

Wiener Dog fans, don’t be late for this one this one this one
This Saturday at River Downs, the dogs are getting down and dirty in the mud…

[/Annoying TV or Radio Voice]*
*It’s a strange place, here in my brain

He’s a cutie, for sure. I say we put him and Soupo (? the younger one, I can never remember if it’s him or Katcha) in little miniature gladiator garb and let 'em square off…

Sure! Bring your sister’s dogs and we can rig up some Wiener-Dog Chariots of Doom[sup]TM[/sup]. Now that’s wholesome family entertainment.

I don’t have a kid, but I could probably borrow one for the day.
(Another Daytonian)

Crap! I just wanted to say that I wish it werepossible for me to come down! A chance to meet my beloved Zappo in the flesh? Woo-hoo!

Except August is looking difficult travel-wise. I’ll be there in spirit, anyway.

Although being able to bring the wee child makes it more possible… Shibb, you know some babysitter we can pay $45 bucks an hour to deal with all them chilluns?

Are you kidding me? I live in Babysitter Paradise. Lots of responsible teenagers and relatively few small children in the neighborhood. Cost is about $5/hour. Our favorite, Ruth Ann (what an unfortunate name for a teenager, I guess Brittany and Morgan were taken) comes over with a box of toys for the kids, records what they do during the night (ex, 7:30 pm, Carson ate half an apple, 8:00 both brushed teeth, 8:30 pm in bed and asleep) and is professional and courteous.

Depending on how many kids we had we could line up a couple/three and pay them about $8-10/hour each.

Cranks beloves me?!?! Why, I never knew!

Pleasepleaseplease come on down! That would just make my day!

BTW Rue DeDay e-mailed me with some interesting (beyond 2 year old Gladiators) ideas for Saturday during the day, that could be done in the area of the Big Red Roofed Flea Market. Only he wasn’t sure if he had the proper Big Red Roofed Flea Market in mind. Belladonna, did you know approximately where that place is? I don’t really do Flea Markets myself but I’m sure that Mrs. ShibbOleth and others would accompany you. Yes, I know I’m a Philistine, but I prefer my goods new or stolen, not picked from a box.

Oh. Mah. Gawd.

  1. Flea Markets: Ooooooh! (squeals like a little girl): I lurves me some flea markets. I’m up for those on Saturday during the day if anyone else is. I need to keep furnishing the Swingin’ Bachelor Party Pad[sup]TM[/sup]. And you just know that a flea market in Ohio will have plenty of great '60s schtuff for my '60s SBPP. Yeah, bay-beeeee!

Hmmm. Maybe I should leave the Taurus at home and bring the Amazing Colossal Nine-Passenger Oldsmobile Family Truckster.

Shibb, if it’ll make you feel better, I can steal something from the flea market for you. :slight_smile:

2)Wiener-dog chariots and kids in gladiator costumes? Who let Bob Guiccione in?

  1. There’s an outside dark horse chance that my beloved Cranks (oops, excuse me, Dr. Cranks) might show up? And The Mermaid, maybe? ::swoons::

Oh man, I am soooooo loving this.