Good morning, everyone.
It’s 48 degrees Fahrenheit and damp outside. It’ll be cloudy with rain showers all day, with a high temperature of 53 degrees Fahrenheit.
Normally, this would be an in-office day, and I’d be almost down to Oly town by now. However, Maisie is in her first heat, and I’m waiting on doggie diapers to arrive. Thankfully, I still had some in the house from when we had Brandi, and she became incontinent. However, the washable ones are slightly too large, and the disposable diapers are just a little small. My husband is struggling with the diaper thing, and to be honest, it’s a complete PITA to put one on her, because Buster is fussing, which makes her stress.
At any rate, I’m in for almost a month of this, and I need to make sure the pups are separated when we’re not around to watch. So, they’re sleeping in separate crates, and I have to go outside with them when they go potty, so I can keep an eye on them. Why don’t you let them potty separately? Because if I put them out alone, they stare at each other through the glass door and cry.
Believe me, I’ve tried.
I figured something was up because Buster would not quit sniffing Maisie’s hiney; she was drinking a lot of water, kept licking herself “down there,” and was extra clingy. She also growled at him at one point on Friday. Saturday afternoon, I saw a single spot of blood on my kitchen mat but nothing anywhere else, so I chalked it up to a hurt paw and started looking at puppy paws.
Yesterday, she got up from one of the dog beds, and I saw blood spots on the bed and the blanket adjacent to the bed. I immediately went and found the doggy diapers.
Anyway, I plan to get her spayed as soon as I reasonably can. I’ll call the vet to find out, but after looking online, it looks like I need to wait three months. I really hope not, but we’ll see what the vet tells me. I need to wait until Buster is at least a year old to get him neutered. I was really hoping Maisie’s first heat wouldn’t happen until she was at least a year old. The reason to wait for a year for large breed dogs is to allow for skeletal maturity, but I might have to get Buster taken care of sooner too. Maybe the ideal thing would be to get them done at the same time so that they’re both sort of down at the same time and I don’t have to worry about one or the other doing something to the other to harm recovery.
I took the weekend to just sort of decompress. I didn’t make it to any nursery, but then again, it was pretty soggy. I did manage to run the weed whacker around the yard but didn’t get to mow.
I didn’t spend much time on the computer over the weekend, so I am sending my yays, hugs, and boos to all as appropriate.
fishy, I am truly sorry about your father.
Alrighty, I need that second cup of coffee. Take care.