The sure sign of Spring MMP

Hijacked before this week’s MMP ever started.

I had yet another sure sign of Spring this morning: my first tick of the season. I probably picked it up fishing yesterday, but I won’t rule out Saturday’s yard work session, either.

I’m getting cavalier about them, going from** “A TICK! I’M GOING TO DIE FROM LYME DISEASE!”** to “Gross.” <rip> <flush>

So, that was my sucky start to yet another Moanday.

Another sign of spring is the sprouting of garage sales. Just as soon as weather permits people start getting rid of their junk.

I heard my first annoying Mister Softee truck over the weekend.

Today is packing day. AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHHH!!! :eek:

Living in a city, I’ve not had a tick in a while, but my record when I lived in’t country was 16 in one day. I was crawling through wet bracken at dawn trying to photograph deer, but still.

Signs of spring here? Students outnumbering the dog walkers in the park. When they start wearing less clothes and burning stuff on disposable barbeques, that’s summer.

Anyway, I have a bunch of stuff to do today, go to the bank, sort out some pond plants I’ve just been given and go round a friend’s house, so I shall stop procrastinating online. Happy moanday!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 67 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 88 for the day. The sure sign of Spring around these parts has always been that first dustin of pine pollen from the annual pine tree orgy. It started later this year and appears to be about over now. YAY! Actually this just means I can now clean the back porch. Not much sense in even tryin’ until the orgy is over. Also, I get excitated when Liz and Ard return. I likes my porch lizards.

So, my commute today is right here to the study since the orifice is closed. I can handle that. :smiley: Provided nobody acts up I should have a fairly peaceful day today. I took some ground beast outta da freezer this mornin’. Tonight is taco night at El Rancho Da Cave.

Ok, that’s all I got. I shall partake of more caffiene and find sustenance for rumbly tummy. Then, I shall purtify. Hey, even if’n it’s just here, one can shave and shower. Proper groomin’ is always a good thing.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Signs of spring? Round here it’s the neighbours having the windows open and crap music blaring out at all hours of the day and night. Or maybe that’s just normal behaviour for the Slavchavs and we never really noticed because they had the windows shut over the winter.

Irk is particularly irksome today, I am really not having a good Moanday. I went out of my way to sort some stuff out for a student and she has come to the office with a list of complaints. Honestly, it should not be a disciplinary matter to slap them.

Signs of Spring? A week of thunderstorms and tornadoes. Happy Monday?

The turkey vultures are back, the trees are in bud, and a few tiny flowers are even blooming. Yes,it must be spring here.

Happy Moonday!

It’s a breezy sunny 49 degrees outside with a projected high of 62.
It’s a miserable hot inside, I’ll check the temp when I put the dog out.

Not much om the agenda today Mostly phones calls and getting paperirk done.

Thanks for stepping up, BBBobbio. Higgs did wake me at zero-stoopit-thirty, but she and Taz both quieted down quickly and we slept till nearly 7! I feel almost human!

I had to mow the lawn yesterday - surely that’s a sign that spring is here!

My plans for the day have been totally messed up - it’s overcast and they’re saying it could start raining as early as midday. No way am I going to apply a water-based paint with the threat of water from the sky so soon. Same reason I won’t hang out the laundry - I’m pretty sure I can make it till Firday when the sun is supposed to arrive again. So it shall be an indoor day.

I’ve got nanners that need to be baked into muffins, I need to run the vacuum, and I could even wash the windows inside… or do a general tidy. Plenty to keep me occupied. I could even bathe Higgs - there’s a good time!! :smiley:

Happy Moanday, all!!

No fair holding her head under water!

ETA: **Rosie… ** :goose:

Everything is late this year–Hummingbirds should be back this week, but no sign of them.

Forsythia and PJM’s in bloom this week

No sleep last night, will have to call in at work. Not happy about this.

Morning all,

Signs of spring here include the behind fence neighbor’s band starting back up in their barn. He/they are actually not that bad so I don’t mind.

Weekend of beautiful weather. Jynxster Mom was happy to see us and a good time and food was had by all on the Eastern Shore. We were driving back from lunch on the bay and looked over and were with in a hundred yards of a full mature wild bald eagle sitting in a dead tree over looking the water. Was breath taking. Also saw a Mr. & Mrs. Bald Eagle on live camera feeding their kids in their nest and a Mr. & Mrs Osprey egg sitting.

“It’s Sicilian. It means Higgs sleeps with the fishes.”:eek::wink:
You can do it, rosie!

Spring? SPRING?

I already had a huge mosquito yesterday! Those are supposed to be part of SUMMER!

The trilliums are coming up. I also saw the first stinkbug of the year yesterday. That’s the new sign of spring, apparently.

The yard has already been mowed (mown?) twice.
There is a sprinkling of dandelions throughout.
The butterfly bush is turning green.
Yesterday a small bird landed in the bush and let loose with some chirping. How does so much noise come out of such a little body?
Sah-dog is shedding.

I need to start making phone calls.
Ugh, I hate making phone calls.

I need to get new tires but I’m not going to. I took two walks yesterday and hurt my left foot so I’m going to stay off of it as much as possible today. I may get a plastic net bag finished instead. Possibly write another story if I can figure out which one I want out of my head first.

I hate phone calls, too, sari. That’s why I haven’t called the tire store to set up an appointment yet. I may swing by tomorrow after irk. I don’t think they’d be too terribly busy on a Tuesday afternoon.

Bad tornado last night.
Here is a local Facebook page with pictures and foolish chatter.