(Old) Day Trips planned in the MMP

I hope that the dammit-all does the trick for you cookie. Glad you are feeling well enough to post now though.

Howdy Y’all! We deheathenated and then it was home to da cave for sammiches, nappage, and sloth with all that entails. Search committee did not meet after church. I found out about that when I got there. If’n I had known beforehand we would not have taken separate vehicles. Oh well. Such is life.

I have read all, but right now I have zero attention span, so Ima go surf teh intartoobz for a bit and then go sleepy bye.

But…but…did you remember to haul the biiiig trash bin all the way to the curb? Or is that on Monday nights?

I did. And after taking out the recycling, I’ve added things to the recycling bins that were emptied after I took the trash and recycling out.

Curious, when are you going to Chicago, if that’s not impertinent?

That reminds me. I bought 4 pints of blueberries on Friday with intentions of making a dessert with them but forgot. Aargh.
I googled and Google came up with the same recipe that you used. Looks good except I don’t have a bundt pan.

Walked home from work. Made 1/2 turkey, muenster, lettuce, green onions sandwich with some cottage cheese sprinkled heavily with black pepper and some diced apple. Caught the end of the Men’s Wimbledon Championship. Congrats to young Mr Carlos Alcaraz!!! Yay!!!

Then Hubs & I went to the Fitness Center after which I went Krogering to buy salmon for dinner and a few other items.

Had salmon baked in aluminum foil with butter, lemon & herbs on top, leftover potato salad, baked asparagus and coleslaw with homemade dressing.

Now am filtering water for the week.

I truly enjoyed having started this week’s MMP. I enjoyed reading about the day trip ideas and getting notifications when mumpers replied to thread. I’m happy to hand off to tomorrow’s early bird who has a new idea for an MMP thread. Good night all :sleeping: tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.

One of them did!!! I teach both classes that my own children are in, so they know that my kids so sailing! The nice thing about black eyes is that they last longer than they hurt, so you’ve got lots of things to talk about.

Most people don’t realize that a good part about being an interesting teacher is all the time spent coming up with anecdotes and such that are on point. Going over rules of grammar for a foreign language just doesn’t excite many adolescents.

flyboy I want to look into kayaks !! I’ve done just a bit before and they look like so much fun!

I need to find something to replace my dragon boat racing. Being on that team kept me in much better shape.

Take care of yourself!

One more week until the trip to the States! Getting excitied.

Happy Sunday!

It’s been cooler, in the 70s, and overcast most of the day.
We made it to the park even though my knee was protesting. Only Lucy/Petey Dad and me. Jax was leaving as I got there. Coda and her pups came a little later.
Echo does not like Coda, and I’m tired of her attitude. Coda Mom says Echo is very protective of me and the GR.
Echo needs to get over it.

Misiu had been a bit lethargic, I’m assuming from the Distemper shot yesterday. Then again, he is a bit on the lazy side.

He reminds me of when I was a kid our dog had puppies. One was kind of a dun/yellowish color. One day I was gathering them up after putting them outside for a while and I couldn’t find one of them. Then I saw a clump of dirt that I didn’t remember being there. It was the puppy; he was a lazy pup who would just flop anywhere and go to sleep.
Another puppy in the litter, we named him Aunt M. He was always whining and complaining about something, very vocal pup. Just like Aunt M. Well, as it happened, Aunt M and Uncle J came to see the puppies as they had decided to take one. My father, being as he was, with a shit eating grin on his face, says to me, tell Aunt M what the puppies’ names are.
I told her all of the names except for Aunt M. My father said, why did you leave out that puppy, tell Aunt M what his name is. There was no getting out of it, I had to tell her. Then he said tell her why you named him Aunt M. I said, in a tiny voice, because he never shuts up.
That had my Uncle J roaring with laughter.
Aunt M was not amused.
Uncle J wanted to take Aunt M the puppy, but Aunt M insisted on a different one.

I’ve checked several puppy weight charts. It’s hard to figure out what they will weigh because they are supposed to be medium sized dogs, but their age and weight puts them in the giant-sized chart.
One calculation says 68 and 73 pounds.
One says 91 and 93 pounds.
Another says 105 and 108 pounds.
I’m expecting between 70-75.
We shall see.

FCM, the GR run naked when they are home. Collars won’t stay on them and harnesses look too uncomfortable for the whole day. Both of their harnesses are black, I got cheap ones of Temu and that was the only color option. Once they are done growing, they will get nicer ones in different colors.

My son went out to whack the yard today, and came back in because the fire pit guy was out there. No fire, but my son doesn’t want to be out there when he is out there. The guy is always high or drunk I think, I don’t know, he staggers a lot and acts a little weird.
He might just have some type of brain damage. He seems to know what he is doing when it comes to construction though.
The weeds need whacking though. We need to gather up all the branches from the tree he cut down and take them to the dump, or cut them up into small pieces and put them out in yard waste bags.
I wonder though, the neighbor’s nephew brought a wood chipped over to her house. Maybe he can run them through his chipper.
There is some kind of ground cover at the park that I would love to have. It has pretty white flowers, and it grows up the fence there as well.
It’s probably illegal to dig some up and bring it home with me.

I hope the Tramadol irks for you Cookie.
All it does for me is take the edge off.
I know part of why I am so tired is I wake up every hour and a half or so because I am hurting and need to find a comfortable position to go back to sleep.
Taters, lack of sleep does make my pain worse.
When my son irks a full shift, I can sleep until 6, which is so horrible. It looks like he will be getting off around 2 for the next few weeks, and I am going to be miserable.

Be careful Sensai
A friend of a friend was killed that way.
If course it may have been different if he hadn’t been sailing by himself.

That sounds painful Nellie

A Rubik’s Cube cake sounds… interesting.

My son took VoTech in HS, drafting. His class was usually the recipients of the results of the baking class.
One day he got on the bus and a bunch of the guys, the electrician class I think, had on makeup and fingernail polish. They had volunteered for the Cosmetology class.
That is when my son, and several others, found out that Cosmetology was not the study of the cosmos.

It’s late. My son needs to get up and take the trash and recycle out.
I have it gathered up ready to go.

Evening all. Steak was on the menu at Texas Roadhouse for First Meal today, then caught up on my You Tube channels (just checked and I’m subscribed to 26 of them) and slothed into the afternoon, when I went to the gym and pedaled off some calories and after a break, got the lawn mowed as I will be gone Wed-Mon and pickup is on Moanday. Got a Black Sheep collection (3 bags full) of clippings, so that added to the exercise. Now washing my Blue Jeans since I messed up the last pair mowing and I do prefer to have something on when I go out in public… Probably will do a load of underwear tomorrow or 2sDay prior to travel.

Sensei, you need to make up a good story about the shiner, like whipping on Godzilla or something… Never been in a sailboat, so I would be a prime candidate to get my head knocked off if I ever was.

Cookie, take care, hope the Tramadol works.

Sari, thanks for the Aunt M puppy story, made me laugh.

Pilot, glad the family visit went well with no meltdowns (at least among the adults). And safe flying for the week.

suzie, I think I translated that as Gluten Free, Dairy Free Whole Foods Ice Cream…how’d I do? And what fun is ice cream if it doesn’t have Dairy in it?

Flyboy, that’s a nice-looking kayak. Many happy paddlings.

nellie, keep an eye on that patch; might be little or nothing, but I’d be a little concerned if it doesn’t promptly clear up. And I second shoe’s remark.

VanGo, hope the proposal goes well, might be a lot of work, but it’ll bring money to your pocket.

There were only 4 of us, so not really worth it; for the record, Garmin said I went 117 miles to get there, about 85% on Interstates.

rocky, glad the storms missed you, leave the tornadoes to the folks like us who expect them.

And everyone else, yeahs, boos, hugs, tears, all in whatever quantities you need. Catch all y’all on the next MMP.

Cleaned, took out the trash and recycling, sewed on a couple of buttons, napped with Spot(he insisted) Had my usual Wisconsin Old Fashioned, pork loin, sweet N.O.T., and salad for dinner.

: crosses appropriate and inappropriate appendages :

Good idea, you can’t sleep in pain.

They never bothered any of my beagles. Of course, Maggie or Nellie could slip out of them at will.

Well, the biiiig trash can is always at the curb. :wink:

Allie and Buddy don’t seem to mind theirs much.

Gluten, dairy, and egg free. It’s not as nice, but the alternative is No Ice Cream, or Eat Ice Cream, Get Ataxia, Misery, Churning Guts, Trouble Focusing, General Life Uselessness for 48-72 hours.

Oh… I checked at the corner market, and they have two brands of frozen whole herrings.

Both are labeled ‘Not for human consumption’. :frowning:

OMG, I just hurt myself laughing.

Oh horrors. B&J makes some pretty nice egg and dairy free ice cream. You can also make your own if you are in the mood and don’t want to go alllll the way to the store.

Okay, quick scroll, in no particular order:

blueberries, puppies, pain meds (tramadol!) driver’s ed (for the love of OG WOMAN! get that dude behind a wheel!) plus kitties, MOAR PUPPIES,

Gov’t regulations. They’re most likely beyond delicious, and okay for us giant and powerful-liver hyooomans.

There are many gov’t hoops for what is essentially cat food to be re-labelled as “ok for ppl.”
Or did I get that backwards?

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave. See ya in the next MMP.

But can they be used to chop down a tree?

Toe beans.

Can you elaborate? (Or should this be an FQ?)

I know this is last week’s thread, but they have dragon boats in Portland, OR and race them on the Willamette River. My mailman was a rower.

i like me too usually :laughing:

actually, ive seen recipes that suggested doing just that …thanks for the warning

I just got another scam call from “Medicare Benefits” This was a recorded one, and asked if I have Medicare. I said “Why do you ask b***h?” There was a momentary pause, then the recorded voice back and replied “Gee, your mom should wash your mouth out with soap!” and it hung up.

  When I broke my leg, they gave me a walker before I left the hospital.

  After a couple weeks, I was ready to graduate to a cane. They said it was going to take at least a couple weeks to process all the crap to approve one for me.  So instead, I found a very fine four-point cane at the first thrift store where I looked, for about three or four dollars. If I needed a walker, there were plenty of those, there, for a similar price.

  The real prize, for me, in mobility devices, was almost a year later.  I was working in a thrift store (through some program where I was given light-duty work for a charity, while being paid by my regular employer as if I was doing my usual construction work) and a couple of knee scooters came in.  This was at a time when the original fix to my broken leg was failing, and I was preparing for surgery to repair it.  The better of the two knee scooters was a Knee Rover All Terrain, which got priced at $25.  MSRP on this model, new, is about $400.  With my 30% discount for working there, that $25 became $17.50.

  Alas, for the great deal that I got on it, I didn’t really get to use it much.  That was actually my last day working before the surgery, and by the time I returned to work two weeks later I had recovered enough not to need it, or even a cane.

  I think my only use of it to go anywhere away from home was to a medical appointment, where the doctor, on hearing what I had paid for it, expressed amazement at the deal that I had got.  I hadn’t really thought much about what it was likely to cost new, until that meeting, and it was after that that I tracked down the manufacturer’s web site, and looked it up there.  A $400 knee scooter, and I paid less than 1⁄20 of that for it.

  Thrift stores can be really neat that way.  That isn’t even the best deal I got from that particular store, during the time I was working there.  That would probably be my Haix Airpower XR1 boots for $7.