(Old) Heading to the land of penguins in the MMP

Not feet-first (and alive) so that you can see their expressions?

I love those sort of pop-up festivals. I once watched a roller coaster fall over so never trusted the rides but I’ll still eat fair food despite knowing how bad things are in the “kitchens”. I mostly go for the vendors but I always take a wander around the farm exabits so I can admire all of the fancy critters.

I’ve noticed a lot of kids on leashes at that sort of thing, is that something Daughter could do? One of the cutest things I ever saw was little blond quads in matching outfits being walked by their long suffering older brother.

The highly anticipated storm finally arrived today. The ground got wet.

I spent most of the day stitching with a science channel going and hubs told me that he’s pretty sure the moon landing didn’t happen. People can’t survive in space. He also says that he doesn’t believe in god, but thinks that Intelligent Design is why there are fake dinosaur bones in museums. The main reason he gets so upset when I get vaccinated is because he needs me to outlive him (this is a true thing, he won’t be able to afford to enjoy his current standard of living without my retirement income) and the COVID shots are going to kill me.

I am so glad that weed is legal out this way.

In other news, yesterday I made the best Shrimp Fettuccini Alfredo I have ever had. Of course it was two years in the making but so worth it! I’m thinking the only way to make it better is to learn how to make pasta myself (and win the lottery so I can have fresh shrimp drone delivered to my door)…but that isn’t going to happen, so I will keep sucking up to my pasta making friend.

I spent most of my day stitching in front of the window and saw our local Loggerhead Shrike get a Little Brown Tweetie Bird. I’d been seeing it on the fence and thought it was probably enjoying the bird feeder, today was the first time I was sure. Dang, those things are FAST!!!

I took Ace back to the shelter. He seemed happy. I cleaned up everything he wrecked, 3 trash bags worth. At least I can sleep in my own room tonight. Anyways, I had a Sazarac, and am watching handegg.

GodBod, glad college is going well. and thanks for stopping by.

Yeah. One time this girl I was dating got locked out of her house by her grandkids, and I had to come over and jimmie the lock with my credit card. “Don’t tell Mom!” :smiley:


I know it was really hard, but you did the right thing.

I’m sorry. I’m sure the right home is out there for him. {{{ hugs }}}

So sorry Ace didn’t work out. Perhaps his name is actually Arse? Here’s to hoping you find the right pup when the time is right.

That DOES sound cute! The only time I saw quads was at Wally World. Each parent had two approximately 18 month toddlers by the handin the parking lot, identical red-haired girls in pink onesies. In the store, the dad had one shopping cart, and mom had another. Hers was full of percolating toddlers. I wanted to get a photo but thought that would seem creepy.

GodBod, I loved night classes when I was in college. There was more of a mix, with older students, blue collar and white collar workers, and more ethnicities. I’m so glad you can be yourself and hope that someday you’re able to do this full-time and with everyone.

I remember a Tide commercial many years ago with identical quads, nine year old boys. I’d actually seen them not long before that on a program about multiple births. The mom was a bit annoyed that people asked if they’d used fertility drug; she had to keep telling people that doesn’t bring identicals.

Can you imagine their food bill when the boys were teens? I also wonder if they ever had other siblings, that was a BIG surprise for a first birth.

That is so cool that you saw those quads! What struck me when I saw the adorable redheads was that every shopping trip would require two carts for the first few years. Plus 2. am. feedings would take at LEAST two people.

Oh, lordie, think of having four kids in the knock-knock joke phase at once! There isn’t enough thorazine on the planet.

Ruh-roh. I just went out to toss away a coupla more last-minute trash bags, and the big bin appears to be iced shut.


Well, the Oracles predict rain + above-freezing temps later in the week, so hopefully Mama Nature will take care of the problem for me. (She better; bitch caused the problem in the first place!)

I thought this meant you took him to the park for the first time, and since you mentioned a subsequent bath, I worked out that the … mud was deep? And somehow loud?

Here’s to more going even more smoothly.

May you have even more time just being yourself, until eventually, that’s all you ever are.

How do you make stew out of ribs? Do you mean, like, spareribs or St Louis like you use for BBQ, or something else?

Hey, sounds like a win!

I regret nothing!

… okay, I regret not getting a pic of the pup. But the food? Yeah, definitely made my tummy happy.

The guys working at the car wash, though … wooooof what a horrible job. Standing in cold-ass weather (they’re protected from rain and wind, but still … it’s in the 20s now) spraying down cars and chipping off slush all day. They must be cold and soaked. How miserable.

Whelp, time for dumplings and other assorted snax, and then beddy-bye time for this Shoe and her faithful Monkey.

just caught up so …

my aunt who can make FCM look lazy most days hates it when i say my favorite thing to do …is not a damn thing lol …I can sit in a chair and just drift off for hours until someone talks to me …

if i didnt know better id say hubbys stash is better than yours … :grin: